Can't configure external drivers, Pt100 boards and tools
2 and 3. The S should be outside the quotes - my example was incorrect.
4. You should use D0 and D1 in the M563 commands.
5. If you use external drivers then the microstepping it determined by the settings of those drivers and is not under the control of the Duet.
2 and 3. OK
4. Works fine, thank you. The logic between physical and logical declarations are not quite clear to me and I have found no description of it.
5. In the config file I now use [c]M350 X1 Y1 Z1 E16:16 I1[/c]. Should it be replaced with [c]E16:16 I1[/c]?
6. The temperature for the lower Pt100 board (bed and heater 1) shows room temperature. The temperature for the top Pt100 board shows 2000C. This is an old board that I bought from Duet3D a year ago, with soldering pads to connect 2-wire Pt100. I have connected and measured the outer screw connections. I use E3D Pt100 from Duet3D. The sensor measures 100 Ohm. The config.g sections is[[language]] ; Heater and thermistor section M305 P0 X200 S"MyBed" ; RTD1 Lower board pt100 M305 P1 X201 S"MyHeater1" ; RTD2 Lower Board pt100 M305 P2 X202 S"MyHeater2" ; RTD1 Higher Board pt100 ;M301 H1 P10 I0.10 D100 T0.50 S1.0 ; PID settings for extruder 0 ;M301 H2 P10 I0.10 D100 T0.50 S1.0 ; PID settings for extruder 1 M570 S120 ; Increase to allow extra heating time if needed
Am I missing something?
5. If your X and Y drivers are external then E16:16 I1 is correct. But this is the default anyway.
6. Are you sure you are using the correct input on the second PT100 board, the one labelled RTD1 to match the X202 in your M305 command? Have you tried using RTD2 and X203 instead?
Also your M570 command format is obsolete.
6. Yes, the connection is correct. I have now tried several version of shifting Pt100 and assigning sensors to different channels. I have also shifted the stacking order of the two boards and then all sensors show 2000C. I think that I can say quite certain that it is a hardware problem, probably the top board or the connection between the boards. I think the best would be to have two new boards in case the connection on the board showing correct temperatures is correct. Do you regard one board as a warranty?
Thank you for the information about the M570 command!
I placed an order for two new boards.
Did you try taking the upper board and fitting it as the only board, with the PT100 sensors that were working with the original lower board connected to it? If you did and that didn't work, then claim a warranty replacement for that board.
OK, I can try that. What is the logic behind doing that?
For a short while I got a reading of around 60C.
You already shipped two new boards that I ordered, so that is fine. -
If both channels (X200 and X201) on a board work when you have it correctly jumpered and it is the only board plugged into the daughter board connector and you don't also have a PanelDue (or other external SD card) connected via the CONN_SD connector, then the board is almost certainly OK. Whereas if it doesn't work in that configuration, then either it is incorrectly jumpered, or there is a fault in your PT100 wiring (but we know it worked with your other board), or the board is faulty.
Future PT100 board shipments will include a separate 100R resistor to make it easier for users to test them, but existing stocks of PT100 boards don't include this resistor.
I tried with only the faulty Pt100 board connected and two Pt100 and both read 2000C. I also tried with and without the display connected and it did not make a difference.
Now I under stand what there was a resistor in the package to the newer Pt100 board:)
I will have the new Pt100 boards tomorrow so I can test that it works on Friday.
I got the new boards yesterday and installed one new. Everything is working fine now. Do you want the faulty board back for analysis or should I toss it? I could put it in a normal letter.
I'm glad you got it working. Please keep the faulty board until your warranty claim is approved. I'll discuss with my colleagues whether we want it back.