Set accelerations what effect it has on printing?
i have noticed that my bed speeds up and slows down very slowly, therefore, slowing the overall print speed down and I'm sure its the Set accelerations (mm/s^2) setting
my current settings are M201 X50 Y20 Z250 E250
how does a low or high number effect things?
Oh, wow. These values seem very low. What type of printer do you have?
The values are mm/s² (acceleration). High values mean higher acceleration (getting to wanted speed faster) and lower values mean lower acceleration.Ther might be a lot of effects when it comes to print acceleration which depend on many factors:
Jerk settings, maximum speed settings, pressure davance settings, retraction settings, hardware etc.Too high acceleration or badly tuned other settings in combination with high acceleration may result in blobs, thin walls, thick corners or similar effects.
But you values for X and Y seem to be very low. How did you calculate them?
i didnt its a home built printer based on a persia i3 but a lot bigger 400x400
i been tuning each axis one at a time its just im on the acceleration now
I'd start with 1000 for X and Y and 200 for Z (you can go lower as Z barely has to move fast). Extruder totally depends on the type you have so there is no starting value.
If when you print you see ringing, which are wobbles in the walls of an object approaching a corner, or overshoot at the corner, then the amount of acceleration is slightly too much for the stiffness of your axes. In that case turn it down a small amount. If you see no ringing turn it up, your printer will print much faster.
Best way to test is print a tower 15x15x50 and change the settings one at a time, every 5-10mm as the tower prints, an optimum will quickly emerge. You can repeat this for Jerk, temperature etc… and fairly quickly optimise your machine.
An additional hint: If you want to imporove your print quality at high acceleration, you may want to tune the pressure advance value: