Servo Tool change?
So i have started to make a simple toolchange that pretty much just going to move a plate with 2 bowden fittings so i can have 2 filaments with 1 hotend. or more later on.
i have seen people connecting
gnd and +5 v on pin 1-2 on expantion board.
and signal to pin this correct?
and then in the config if i understand correct. i should add.
m307 H3 a-1 c-1 d-1and then to controll the servo motion with
m280 p3 s10 T1?
is this correct?so for example if
"tool 1 is at 10degree of the servo i put in
m280 p3 s10 T1and when chaning to to tool 2 i add
m280 p3 s90 T1 (if the servo need to be 90degree for position 2? -
1. If it's a Duet WiFi or Ethernet, heater 3 is pin 8 of the expansion connector, not pin 21. But I'm not sure what you meant by "expansion board".
2. If you are going to power a servo from +5V, connect a 220uF capacitor between +5V and ground. The reason is that servos dump a lot of power into the supply rail when they decelerate, and this needs to be absorbed to avoid over-voltage.
3. If the servo control wire is being driven directly from the expansion connector, you need to invert the servo signal by using parameter I1 in each M280 command.
it´s my wifi board. and yes my plan was to power it from the expansion connector. not board.
blame it on im a swed
so pin 8 for signal. 220uf capacitor shoult not be that hard:D then i go on to stage 2 and wire it up after a visit to the hobby store.
Thanks again dc