Nozzle tapping print
I’m running 1.21 on a Duet wifi and an Ultibots D300vs+ delta. The nozzle seems to tap the print when returing from any z lift sort of move. The machine prints well and I don’t actually see any negative artifacts from this. I have a Seemecnc Rostock max v3 and nothing like this occurs. I just wondered if it had to do with acceleration or z move velocity specified in config.sys. I have checked everything for tightness and as I said the machine otherwise prints very well. This occurs at all layers of a print so not associated with first layer.
I’d welcome any ideas. Thx -
Can you post a video of this?
I’ll try to capture the sound as you cant see any of this. Thx
Captured a video in which you can hear the tap if turned up loud. Not sure of how to post video clip 8mb on this board though.
@4lathe said in Nozzle tapping print:
Captured a video in which you can hear the tap if turned up loud. Not sure of how to post video clip 8mb on this board though.
You'll need to post elsewhere, and link back. For video, YouTube is a natural fit.
Here is the link. Thx -
I think the noise isn't the nozzle tapping the print, more likely a mechanical noise from the joints or from the extruder.
That's a high amount of Z lift you are using. I use 0.25mm.
I had been using 4mm as that is whats in mhackney’s config on Kisslicer. .25 would ckear things but not assist on stringing lime 4 does, right?
When you listen to it live it sure sounds like tapping. -
Like you David, mhackney thought it was something else making the noise. My E max velocity was set at 20000 and reduced that to 3600 and instantaneous change to 300 per mhackney’s settings.
The problem vanished so it may have been the Titan Aero making the noise.
My initial config.sys was from the Ultibots github.