E0 motor sometimes works sometimes doesnt E1 is perfect
So i finally debugged the XYZ and everything seemed to be working on prints that are 50x50x100mm but as moved to a larger print 200x200x150 mm half of the first layer wouldnt extrude no matter how high of a multipler so i took a spare extruder (im using these extruders (https://dyzedesign.com/shop/extruders/dyzextruder-gt-coldend-extruder-1-75mm-2/))and it seem that it literally did what ever it wanted to when i pressed extrude somtimes it would extrude correctly and sometimes it extrudes then quickly retract and sometimes it just stalls and sometimes it wont move. so I thought initially the current was set wrong and tested it with slightly higher and lower values then the ones that i have set for e1 and it did not fix anything. The crimps to connector looks perfect the next thing i will test is connecting the harness to an external driver and run it threw a pulse generator and see what happens. hopefully its not the harness cause it would be the 2nd time i replaced it and its quite a long run. just wondering could it be a busted driver on duet ? im using external drivers on the xyz so should i try a different driver on duet?
It's possible that you have a partially-blown E0 driver. Also check that the soldering on the pins of the E0 stepper motor connector looks OK.
In my experience a stepper motor that stalls easily and suddenly moves in a random direction is a good indication that one of the stepper coils is not connected or has a bad connection. How much of the wiring and connector are you not changing? If you plug everything including all wiring/connectors/motor that you plug in to E1 to the E0 port will it still have issues?
that would make since if it didnt work at all but im been printing perfect pacmans (50 50 100) size ones fine. i will swing by the lab to swap the connectors real quick and hopefully thats solves it and if it a bad driver whats the warranty processes >? i literally just got this board and impressed by it on all levels but the back up smoothieboard which i would switch to if i had to send it back is driving a self driving car haha. and i will check the joints in a moment too
So checked everything and everything seems to be good it now goes in one direction which is progress but i seriously dont get whats going in heres a pic
it does extrude a little better using the x driver tho. Everything is autoleveled -
@dc42 solders look fine heres a pic of them
@yoyobob19, I didn't see a pic.
I suspect a faulty (perhaps intermittent) E0 stepper driver, or possibly a bad connection on the Duet; but please post your config.g file first in case of a problem there.