Duet WIFI with Micron Cobra extruder temperature setting
There is no language barrier I understand what you want but I only have a junky meter at home. I can go get my Klein from my warehouse. But this meter will only work on 2000k nothing else.
I put a URL from photobucket but nothing shows up.
I am still trying to up load the picture but it is a Greenlee DM-20.
If I need to I will go pick up the meter now. KleinThank you for your help
Set the DMM to 200[ohm] mode.
The resistance of heaters (in general) is in range of 1.5 to 6[ohm], so you will need to use the minimal range of your meter which is 200 in your case.
If it's a faulty meter, then throw it away and get a new one.I'm trying to figure out what causing the wires to get hot.
so please upload pictures of your wiring and connections to the Duet, this may help. -
Here are the pictures and I think it what you are asking me to do. I'm not a great electronics guy but i will try my best.
In the wifi software when I try to turn on the heater where it says Sensors it drop down to 5 vovlt and the fan on the power supply shuts off. Do I need to go get a Atx power supply. If so what Atx sould I buy. With nothing on there It's only 18.9 volts. Could this be the whole problem. -
I just hooked up the atx power supply and the wires still get hot but now faster. The bed heats up no problem at all. Should I hook up the other hotend to see if it has the same problem. Let me know what you think.
Thank you. You have been very help full.
I can say for sure it not the Duet Wifi board I hooked it to a rambo and it has the same problem.
@saltypetz, photbucket does not let other people see your photos unless you pay them. So please host your photos elsewhere.
It sounds to me that you may have a shorted heater cartridge.
It you add this to google chrome it works no problem.
I hooked up the second heater it works no problem wires are not hot. Bad heater out of the box. the wires are not even warm.
It is all working now. Till the next problem. I still have to do the end stops and the motors. So I'm sure I will be back.
Thank you for all the help
How do I make optical sensor work on the Tevo Black Widow. There is one link but not to much information.
Guyaros and dc42 you have been great help for a beginner.Thank you