can not connect to printer
i bought a rostockmax v3.2 a couple of weeks ago
this printer uses the duetwifi contoller
things have gone ok until yesterday
when i try to connect the web interface i getA JavaScript error has occurred so the web interface has closed the connection to your board. It is recommended to reload the web interface now. If this happens again, please contact the author and share this error message:
Version: 1.21
Message: ReferenceError: lineSegmentOffset is not defined
URL: http://rmaxv32/js/dwc.js
Line: 4:1551
Error object: {}how should i proceed
i submitted a help request to seemecnc yesterday but have not heard from them yet -
I think SeeMeCNC use their own version of RepRapFirmware and perhaps their own version of Duet Web Control too, so you will need to wait for them to respond. However, if you have updated Duet Web Control recently, try clearing your browser cache.