External 5V Stepper Driver
Hi All,
I need to drive several external stepper drivers (http://www.longs-motor.com/stepper-motor-driver-dm860a.html) which require 5V differential inputs. I know the Duex provides 5V, but is it possible to take the differential signals straight from pins on this board or does it only have motor connections? I have tried running the drivers from the 3.3V straight from the expansion header and they struggle a bit, most likely because of the fairly long wires between the board and drivers.
Any help much appreciated,
The expansion header outputs are 3.3V and don't provide enough current for some types of stepper drivers. The DueX provides 5V servo outputs only.
We have a separate expansion header breakout board for connecting external stepper drivers, see https://www.duet3d.com/DuetAddons/Expansion_Breakout.