New Member's Question
Hi, new member here first. bit of a background when I started into printing, I went for the MendelMax prototype. where I had to assemble it, great project. I now have two MendelMax printers but basically just the frames and the Rambo motherboard. one printer runs with an e3d volcano set up, the other one is a dual printer using Bond-tech setup, both running with 3mm filament. but now I have an idea? I want to build a printer using, 1 N17 geared motor no104221(8454), 3 N17 Kysan 1124090 and 8, N17 pancake Motors. And all to run independently. my question is, which Duet Hardware setup do you recommend for my purpose thank you
pS thank you for letting me join -
Welcome to the forum!
A Duet WiFi or Ethernet plus DueX5 plus two external stepper driver modules can handle the 12 motors. However, check that you can get motors with a suitable current rating for the drivers on the Duet, preferably 1A or more.
What do you intend to use the pancake motors for?
Hi, thanks for your reply the pancake Motors rated at 1 amp 3.50 volts will be used as..... I would love to tell you but I, I'm not ready to put it out on an open forum as yet if you'd like to know my idea send me your email address and I'll tell you my full plans for this project. Again thank you for the reply