Brothers, please, help me rescue failed print? (Solved)
I had a print fail at hour 6/7. It looked like the set-screw for the hobbed gear backed out enough to slip and it stopped feeding filament. I've since added blue threadlock.
By the time I noticed it, it had printed about 10 layer in the air, thankfully no wasted filament, but I am not sure how to proceed. Anyone have advice for how to recover the print? It would be nice if there was just a "Rewind" button that played the g-code instructions in reverse, that way I could just stop it right when the extruder meets the part again.... is this a thing?
I paused the printer and powered it off, it created a ressurect.g file. Is there a way to get the machine to start printing roughly where it left off, by measuring how high the part is, modifying the original G-Code to start where I believe it left off? (Machine homes Z Min)
Whats my best course of action? The part is still where I left it on the print bed, so at least I have that going for me. I may just guess what layer and print the remaining pieces separate, and try to heat bond them together.
Here is ressurect.g:
; File "printme.gcode" resume print after print paused at 2018-07-11 03:52
G10 P0 S315 R315
T0 P0
M98 Presurrect-prologue.g
M106 P0 S0.00
M106 P1 S0.00
M106 S153.00
M290 S0.000
G92 E278.13150
M23 printme.gcode
M26 S2992654 P0.000
G0 F6000 Z166.720
G0 F6000 X270.24 Y359.71
G0 F6000 Z164.720
G1 F840.0
M24I measured the print to be at 163.512mm height, I have updated resurrect-prologue.g and I paused the machine, powered down at height z166.720 . I have verified in Simplify3D that it was Line 204 where the filament stopped feeding. My machine's homes at Z minimum, and I've adjusted the ressurect-prologue.g accordingly.
How do I set ressurect.g to start from Line 204? I know what height it is, I just don't see how to change M26 S2992654 to indicate the right line...
"M26 Snnn File position from start of file in bytes" So how do I go about finding the number of bytes from start to the first command of line 204 then?
What am I missing here?
So I have not yet used this command at all but
will set your line number in a file ( It might help you. -
I managed to get it working again, though I may have been 1 layer off, its at least printing now and seems to be doing a fine job sticking to the previous layer.
So in the end, the M26 S number for your corresponding line is found in your gcode file by opening your G-code file in Notepad++ and ticking "Offset"
After this print, I will try the m110 command on a test piece, thank you Anzere