T3P3 Kossel XL+ connection PanelDue to Duet-Board lost
Ok. As follows (switched off printer between steps):
- try - ribbon 2 board | touch off
no error - ribbon 2 board 2 touch
error - r 2 b
no error - r 2 b 2 t
display lighting up, "connecting..." (so no temp-error, no fan) - r 2 b
no error - r 2 b 2 t
error (fan, temp wrong)
the cable itself visually looks alright. didn't get my hands on my multimeter yet. reckon checking the cable for contact on each wire would be next step?
- try - ribbon 2 board | touch off
Another check before fiddling with the multimeter (kept on printer between steps):
- Switch on printer - ribbon 2 board 2 touch
error (fan, temp 2000°C) - While running disconnect board from touch
error disappears - Directly attach board to touch again
error again
Can reliably repeat 2 and 3. So my guess: Ribbon-cable's fine. The touch-display seems to be the source of error. Can somebody confirm or point to a more detailed check? Thanks in advance.
- Switch on printer - ribbon 2 board 2 touch
Does it make any difference if you provide power to the PanelDue through its USB port?
Can you confirm that the 5V regulator on the Duet is enabled? If so, does the small square chip U3 get hot when the problem occurs?
@dc42 said in T3P3 Kossel XL+ connection PanelDue to Duet-Board lost:
Can you confirm that the 5V regulator on the Duet is enabled? If so, does the small square chip U3 get hot when the problem occurs?
- How can i confirm the 5V regulator is enabled?
- Where do i find the information which chip is U3?
The 5V regulator is enabled if you have a jumper across the INT_5V_EN pins, see the wiring diagram at https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet_Wiring_Diagrams. The alternative is that you are supplying 5V power to the ue through its USB connector or through the EXT_5V connector.
U3 is close to that jumper and has "U3" in white lettering on the PCB close to one corner of it.
- powering the PanelDue via a strong USB (capable 2A+)
- USB + Printer on: no change, display off, temp-error, fan blowing
- USB alone (Printer off: display off)
- INT_5V_EN: enabled
- U3
- touch connected: U3 cold
- touch dis-connected: U3 cold, errors disappear
- powering the PanelDue via a strong USB (capable 2A+)
@kolja said in T3P3 Kossel XL+ connection PanelDue to Duet-Board lost:
USB alone (Printer off: display off)
That's not right. With the PanelDue powered from USB and the printer off, the PanelDue display should be on and showing "Connecting" even if the it isn't connected to the Duet. Perhaps your USB PSU has failed?
@dc42 The usb-psu is working properly. i'd say, the touch-screen just doesn't say anything anymore.
Re-checked just a minute ago. The display is not showing anything no matter where or what power it's getting (printer on alone; usb powering the duet-board with leds properly on).
Powering the duet-board by USB always switched on the touch-screen before the problems occured. Right now nothing's happening anymore except that the 2.000°C-error + fan blowing is happening when the full connection duet-board - paneldue-controller-board - touch-screen is established and printer's powered.
My guess would be that the touch-screen has an error/is broken. Do you think the same?
I suspect the touch screen is broken. However, the touch screen will also be off if the firmware has been erased.
Yes. But probably firmware couldn't be gone, popup again once and be gone again from then on - although not being impossible. And that would also not account for the temp-error troubling the whole system once touch-screen is hooked up to controller.
Thanks Dave for your help. Really much appreciated! I reckon that it helped Roland, too.