generating binary of DuetWifiSocketServer don't work
do you mean this command ?:
"/Users/xxx/Documents/Arduino/hardware/esp8266com/esp8266/tools/macosx/esptool" -eo "/Users/xxx/Documents/ArduinoFull/bootloaders/eboot/eboot.elf" -bo "/Eclipse/Firmware/DuetWiFiSocketServer/Release/DuetWiFiServer.bin" -bm dio -bf 40 -bz 4M -bs .text -bp 4096 -ec -eo "/Eclipse/Firmware/DuetWiFiSocketServer/Release/DuetWiFiSocketServer.elf" -bs .irom0.text -bs .text -bs .data -bs .rodata -bc -ec
in the terminal at the workspace, i guess ?
when i run this command manually, im getting no error in the terminal.
but the generated .bin file is only 1 KB large.when i built the project in eclipse i get the this message :
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make --no-print-directory post-build
Generating binary
"/Users/xxx/Documents/Arduino/hardware/esp8266com/esp8266/tools/macosx/esptool" -eo "/Users/xxx/Documents/ArduinoFull/bootloaders/eboot/eboot.elf" -bo "/Eclipse/Firmware/DuetWiFiSocketServer/Release/DuetWiFiServer.bin" -bm dio -bf 40 -bz 4M -bs .text -bp 4096 -ec -eo "/Eclipse/Firmware/DuetWiFiSocketServer/Release/DuetWiFiSocketServer.elf" -bs .irom0.text -bs .text -bs .data -bs .rodata -bc -ec
make[1]: [post-build] Error 255 (ignored)what does the error 255 mean ?
@eberlin said in generating binary of DuetWifiSocketServer don't work:
what does the error 255 mean ?
I'm sorry, I don't know.
any idea how i generate the right .bin file ?
i got three errors in my SocketServer.cpp , but i didnt changed the method. -->
You can ignore the "Invalid arguments" errors shown by Eclipse, that's a bug in the code analysis function of Eclipse. it looks like the compile step succeeded.
You could try switching to the internal building instead of using the external make program - perhaps it will give you a better error message.
09:41:43 **** Rebuild of configuration Release for project DuetWiFiSocketServer ****
Info: Internal Builder is used for build
xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -std=gnu++11 -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH -DF_CPU=80000000L -DESP8266 -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 -DARDUINO_ESP8266_ESP12 -DARDUINO=10606 -DLWIP_OPEN_SRC -I/Users/xxx/Documents/ArduinoFull/libraries/ESP8266HTTPClient/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/cores/esp8266 -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/variants/nodemcu -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/DNSServer/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/EEPROM -I/Eclipse/Firmware/LwipESP8266/src/include -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/sdk/include -Os -Wall -c -g -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -falign-functions=4 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wa,-ahl=$.s -o src/HSPI.o ../src/HSPI.cpp
xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -std=gnu++11 -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH -DF_CPU=80000000L -DESP8266 -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 -DARDUINO_ESP8266_ESP12 -DARDUINO=10606 -DLWIP_OPEN_SRC -I/Users/xxx/Documents/ArduinoFull/libraries/ESP8266HTTPClient/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/cores/esp8266 -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/variants/nodemcu -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/DNSServer/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/EEPROM -I/Eclipse/Firmware/LwipESP8266/src/include -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/sdk/include -Os -Wall -c -g -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -falign-functions=4 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wa,-ahl=$.s -o src/Misc.o ../src/Misc.cpp
xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -std=gnu++11 -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH -DF_CPU=80000000L -DESP8266 -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 -DARDUINO_ESP8266_ESP12 -DARDUINO=10606 -DLWIP_OPEN_SRC -I/Users/xxx/Documents/ArduinoFull/libraries/ESP8266HTTPClient/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/cores/esp8266 -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/variants/nodemcu -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/DNSServer/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/EEPROM -I/Eclipse/Firmware/LwipESP8266/src/include -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/sdk/include -Os -Wall -c -g -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -falign-functions=4 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wa,-ahl=$.s -o src/Connection.o ../src/Connection.cpp
xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -std=gnu++11 -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH -DF_CPU=80000000L -DESP8266 -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 -DARDUINO_ESP8266_ESP12 -DARDUINO=10606 -DLWIP_OPEN_SRC -I/Users/xxx/Documents/ArduinoFull/libraries/ESP8266HTTPClient/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/cores/esp8266 -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/variants/nodemcu -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/DNSServer/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/EEPROM -I/Eclipse/Firmware/LwipESP8266/src/include -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/sdk/include -Os -Wall -c -g -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -falign-functions=4 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wa,-ahl=$.s -o src/Listener.o ../src/Listener.cpp
xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -std=gnu++11 -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH -DF_CPU=80000000L -DESP8266 -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 -DARDUINO_ESP8266_ESP12 -DARDUINO=10606 -DLWIP_OPEN_SRC -I/Users/xxx/Documents/ArduinoFull/libraries/ESP8266HTTPClient/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/cores/esp8266 -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/variants/nodemcu -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/DNSServer/src -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/libraries/EEPROM -I/Eclipse/Firmware/LwipESP8266/src/include -I/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/sdk/include -Os -Wall -c -g -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -falign-functions=4 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wa,-ahl=$*.s -o src/SocketServer.o ../src/SocketServer.cpp
xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -nostdlib -L/Users/xxx/Documents/ArduinoFull/libraries/ESP8266HTTPClient/src -L/Eclipse/Firmware/LwipESP8266/Release -L/Users/xxx/Documents/Arduino/hardware/esp8266com/esp8266/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src -L/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/Release -L/Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/sdk/lib -L/Eclipse/Firmware/DuetWiFiSocketServer/src/ld -TDuetWiFiSocketServer.ld -Wl,--no-check-sections -u call_user_start -u _printf_float -u _scanf_float -Wl,-static -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-wrap,system_restart_local -Wl,-wrap,spi_flash_read -Wl,-Map, -o DuetWiFiSocketServer.elf -Wl,--start-group /Eclipse/Firmware/CoreESP8266/Release/cores/esp8266/heap.o src/Connection.o src/HSPI.o src/Listener.o src/Misc.o src/SocketServer.o -lCoreESP8266 -lhal -lphy -lpp -lnet80211 -lLwipESP8266 -lwpa -lcrypto -lmain -lwps -laxtls -lespnow -lsmartconfig -lairkiss -lwpa2 -lstdc++ -lm -lc -lgcc -Wl,--end-group
Info: Parallel threads used: 309:41:46 Build Finished (took 2s.857ms)
my .bin file did'nt updated after that
Looks like the internal builder didn't run the post-build step. I suggest you find an Eclipse support forum and seek help there.
However, if you can't get the esptool command in the post-build step to work when you run it manually, that suggests that the command may not be in the correct format for esptool on a mac.
ok, i will do that.
but it makes sense, that the DuetWiFiSocketServer.elf - file can be build and the DuetWiFiSocketServer.bin file can't ..?
@eberlin said in generating binary of DuetWifiSocketServer don't work:
ok, i will do that.
but it makes sense, that the DuetWiFiSocketServer.elf - file can be build and the DuetWiFiSocketServer.bin file can't ..?
It's the ESPTOOL step that converts the .elf file to the .bin file.
i tried some esptool commands manually and everythink works. but i used a different command and got 2 bin files at the end.i think the command in eclipse is fine and the tool works also. the .bin file is just to small, maybe empty after using the esptool in eclipse.
i want to test some function in the ServerSocket.cpp. But at first i need to built the .bin successfully.
the first steps was to build LwipEsp8266 and second the CoreEsp8266. Did i forget any project ?the paths to the tools seems to be correct..
a friend build also the duetWifiServer on his windows pc and has the same problem . his generated .bin file have 2KB ...
is the esptool command right, linke this ?:
Generating binary
path-to-espTool -eo path-to-bootloader -bo "/Eclipse/Firmware/masterBranch/DuetWiFiSocketServer/Release/DuetWiFiServer.bin" -bm dio -bf 40 -bz 4M -bs .text -bp 4096 -ec -eo "/Eclipse/Firmware/masterBranch/DuetWiFiSocketServer/Release/DuetWiFiSocketServer.elf" -bs .irom0.text -bs .text -bs .data -bs .rodata -bc -ec
maybe the esptool command is wrong...
Perhaps you are using a different version of esptool from me and the command line format has changed. What version do you have?
this is my version:
esptool v0.4.3 - (c) 2014 Ch. Klippel -
you are using version 0.4.12.
i updated to this version and im getting now a perfect .bin-File