Wiring differences
I have a SeeMeCNC Rostock Max v3.2 and I want to convert it to use the Duet Smart Effector instead of the effector it came with. I have the wiring pinout for the whip for the SE300. They have 3.3v power, z probe mod, ground and z probe in all with their own wires while the layer fan and parts cooling fans are only supplied with one wire which provides I believe the positive power and they are using the ground for either the probe connections or the ground from the hot end heater as a common ground. There is also a positive and negative wire for the hot end heater and 2 white wires for the thermistor.
So when I terminate the wires with the Duet supplied pins and connector housings, can I just put the positive wires for the 2 fans in the appropriate spots? Or do I need to run 2 more negative wires for each?
Duet controls PWM on fans by switching the NEGATIVE wire.
Since the RMv3.2 came with the Duetwifi as the controller, then I should hook those wires to the pwm pin on the smart effector.
We strongly recommend that you keep the signal ground and power ground wires separate.
The signal wires are on the 8-pin connector. You need to use at least 5 of them: 2 for the thermistor, ground, +3.3V and sensor output. If you want to be able to program the effector sensitivity, you also need sensor in. The remaining 2 wires are only needed if you use a PT100 temperature sensor and you want to use a 4-wire connection.
The power connector has hot end heater + and -, heatsink fan + and -, and print cooling fan + and -. You can common all the + wires if the fans and heaters all use the same voltage. So 4 wires minimum.
There are enough wires for all the sensor wires and ground. I found out that SeeMeCNC based their SE300 board on the Duet Smart effector. But they did not make it so an E3Dv6 could be mounted, just their hot end. I think I have this figured out now.
I ended up running 2 more wires for my hot end and part cooler fans. Now they work.