Pinda V2 Probe wiring
Hi, i'm working on prusa i3 mk3 bear built from an anet a8, i'm going to use the mk3 bed and i wanted to use a pinda v2 probe but i don't how i can wire it, because of the thermistor, maybe the thermistor can be wire to the mod pin of the probe header ? Also since i haven't paneldue, i was thinking of using the 5V and GND of the paneldue connector to power it, don't think it'll be a problem, no ?
So here's a recap of the wiring (mostly for myself
) :
Thermistor -> Probe_Mod
5V + GND -> Panel Due Connector
Signal -> Probe inShould be okay or i need to change the thermistor wiring ?
Have a nice day !
For now I suggest you leave the thermistor wire not connected. RRF currently supports compensating the trigger height based on the bed temperature only.
Thanks, I'll do that, so no problems with my wiring ?
Will it support this type of thermistor in the future ? BTW if it already compense with the bed temperature, it's a good thing -
Yes I plan to make the temperature channel used for trigger height compensation configurable.
Oh nice ! Really happy with the choice of this board !