Probing to the edge of the bed, Is this the right solution?
So I have my config for the build area set as:
M208 X305 Y305 U355 Z308
M208 X-48 Y-31.2 U0 Z1 S1So in that I tell the Y axis that it can go to 305 for the maximum of the build area. There is enough room for the extruder and BLTouch sensor to move well beyond, like another 40mm. But he end of the build platform is @ 305 or around there.
The Probe offset is Y-31 behind the nozzle. So when trying to do a grid measurement I get this:
"Warning: Skipping grid point (5.0, 305.0) because Z probe cannot reach it
Warning: Skipping grid point (35.0, 305.0) because Z probe cannot reach it
Warning: Skipping grid point (65.0, 305.0) because Z probe cannot reach it
Warning: Skipping grid point (95.0, 305.0) because Z probe cannot reach it"Etc...
So... Is the solution to this to set the maximum volume in the machine outside the realm of the build area ( Like Y to 335 or something) but then in my slicer only have the build volume to 305? seems like that would be the logical solution. Then I can limit the probing in the settings for that to keep it in the 305 box.
that check out
@clegg78 said in Probing to the edge of the bed, Is this the right solution?:
So... Is the solution to this to set the maximum volume in the machine outside the realm of the build area ( Like Y to 335 or something) but then in my slicer only have the build volume to 305? seems like that would be the logical solution. Then I can limit the probing in the settings for that to keep it in the 305 box.
I agree, that's the logical solution.
My personal preference is to make X0 Y0 the centre of the bed, and configure the slicer to centre the print at the origin.
Slic3r allows you to define the bed size and printable area separately so that makes it easy. Cura is a little tougher to deal with.
If you switch slicers a lot, or use one that doesn't make it easy to define the printable area setting the origin to 0,0 is a good way to deal with it, but keep in mind that it now has absolute coordinates in negative space. So if you have any macros that reference absolute positions they will need to be updated.
Here's a good how to:
Thanks guys!!