What files? "Your Duet rejected the HTTP request Check SD card"
i bought duet Wifi and connect it to my Tronxy X5S.
When i use Home buton i always have command homing file homeall.g not found.
In other options i have the same 'not found file'.What am i doing wrong if i upgrade firmware and display drivers.
Oh and when i connet to Wifi i had this "Your Duet rejected the HTTP request: page not found Check that the SD card is mounted and has the correct files in its /www folder"
but i haven't get any SD-card with some files. -
Sound to me that you should start here : https://duet3d.dozuki.com/
Where did you buy the Duet from?
AliExpress but isn't bad. everything is ok. i seeing this now.
Marlin motherboards was easy. I have first time duet and first time look at reprapfirmware that's why this is a little difficult.
after downloading and load everything to the SD card and everywhere I have the same problem.
"Your Duet has rejected the HTTP request: page not found
Check if the SD card is mounted and has the correct files in the / www folder. -
@beginning-freak The card is setup correctly?
MACROS contains your macros
SYS has the config.g and the other configurator files
WWW has the Duet web Control files unzipped from https://github.com/chrishamm/DuetWebControl/releases. Form either 1.22.5 or the 2.00-RC6 -
yep card is good
@beginning-freak Formatted correctly? https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/SD_Card
@stephen6309 My bad Thx bro.
I'm a newbie and also was getting message 'Your DUET rejected the HTTP request Check SD card."
Found there's a great guide available on what's required to configure the SD Card.