whish for Adjust Z Axis with 2 independent Z-Motors
for now this funktion works so far but i have to messure up to 8 times to get a even printbed sometimes i need only 4 times to reach a good calibration. Now is my Idea to define once in bed.g the calibration settings like this:
G30 P0 X10 Y190 Z-99999 ; Sonde in der Nähe einer Leitspindel auf halbem Weg entlang der Y-Achse G30 P1 X380 Y190 Z-99999 S2 ; Sonde in der Nähe einer Leitspindel und 2 Motoren kalibrieren
and after that it where great if there was a command with which you could adjust how often maximum is measured and you could specify that if value x or smaler is reached that the measurement will be terminated. like this example
g35 M7 r0.01 ;do the G30 Block 7 times max or until the bed has reached 0.01mm or smaler
i think this function would be great
That will be possible when conditional GCode is fully implemented in RepRapFirmware 3.
Why is it taking up to 8 iterations of G32 to get the bed level? Please share the output from running G32 several times.
@dc42 said in whish for Adjust Z Axis with 2 independent Z-Motors:
That will be possible when conditional GCode is fully implemented in RepRapFirmware 3.
that would be great!!
Why is it taking up to 8 iterations of G32 to get the bed level? Please share the output from running G32 several times.
as soon as my printer has finished printing but that still takes a while
sorry for the long delay! I have now made a few optimizations on my Hotend and Orion mount, since then I only need 2 max 4 passes for a reasonable result! an now i hope the "G35" funktion will find the way to RRF 3.xx
@siam, if you find that each time you run G32 it under-corrects, you can use the M671 F parameter to force some over-correction, to help it to converge faster. For example, F1.5 will apply 150% of the computed correction.