Duex5 - 5v for relay
I am looking to switch a relay (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-3V-5V-16A-Relay-Module-for-Arduino-Nano-Due-Raspberry-Pi-ESP8266-Optocoupler/272377230993?epid=12021202256&hash=item3f6af2b691:g:bB0AAOSwLF1X2m2p) which will turn my Bed heater PSU on and off in G-code at the start and end of a print
- Can I use the "PWM FANS(1.5A Max)" output on the Duex5 to switch the reply?
- The relay require 5v, do I just have to move the "V Fan Jumper select" to 5v? do i need to supply 5v to the board somewhere or will it get the 5v from the 12v input
- What would be the G-code to turn on/off the fan?
Many Thanks,
I had similar challenge. I ended up wiring up a MOSFET to be triggered by the pin. The MOFSET can get triggered by anything as low as 2.5V.
If you control the ground wire of the circuit, you can then use almost any relay, 5V or 12V. I am basically following the Duet schematic for the circuit. I described it here -
Anybody able to give feedback on my original questions, not sure I am trying to do the same thing as Sinned6915 as I am just wanting to switch on/off my secondary PSU.
Is using PS_ON not an option? That is triggered by M80 and M81 and can be configured to drop out on a heater fault.
is your bed heater mains voltage or dc?
have you considered an SSR instead? maybe something like this will work in a more direct fashion?https://www.sainsmart.com/products/2-channel-3v-32v-solid-state-relay
SSRs are not safety devices. The documentation from Omron for their devices and the Duet documentation says as much.
Edit: ...because the failure mode is fail closed circuit and SSRs are less tollerant of transient voltages that can be caused by general noise or nearby electrcal storms.
My bed is dc, basically I have 2 PSU's one that powers the duet and one that powers just the bed via a mosfet.
The power supply that powers the duet is fan-less and so is silent, but it does not have enough power to use for the bed.
The second power supply for the bed has a fan and makes quite a bit of noise, so I would like to be able to turn this second PSU on/off when I am not printing via the G code in the slicer.
@mark said in Duex5 - 5v for relay:
I am looking to switch a relay (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-3V-5V-16A-Relay-Module-for-Arduino-Nano-Due-Raspberry-Pi-ESP8266-Optocoupler/272377230993?epid=12021202256&hash=item3f6af2b691:g:bB0AAOSwLF1X2m2p) which will turn my Bed heater PSU on and off in G-code at the start and end of a print
- Can I use the "PWM FANS(1.5A Max)" output on the Duex5 to switch the reply?
- The relay require 5v, do I just have to move the "V Fan Jumper select" to 5v? do i need to supply 5v to the board somewhere or will it get the 5v from the 12v input
- What would be the G-code to turn on/off the fan?
Many Thanks,
Check that your relay module has an optically isolated input. Is it does then that will work, alternatively connect it between +5V and the FAN- pin, then you can set VFAN to whatever is right for your fans. Or connect the relay module input with a series resistor to the Fan output, then you can keep VFAN at 12V or 24V.