Porting my firmware to Duet 2, and the Wiznet chip
I am planning to port my firmware (Aprinter) to the Duet 2 boards. It generally seems workable. However, my firmware uses my own TCP/IP stack which runs really well (much better than lwIP!), and I would like to continue using it. However the Duet 2 uses a Wiznet chip instead of connecting the PHY to a MAC in the microcontroller, and I would not want to rewrite lots of code to use the Wiznet TCP/IP. It also seems the Wiznet is limited to 8 sockets which is very much on the limit of what is needed for a web interface.According to the data sheet the Wiznet has a raw MAC mode, which seems to be the solution for me. Any idea how workable this is?
I would also appreciate any general tips about firmware porting. Thanks.
We've not tried using the raw MAC mode. In our experience, although more sockets would be welcome, 8 sockets is enough to service 4 concurrent HTTP requests + one FTP connection + Telnet + maintain DHCP. The LPC port of RRF manages to work with a single Http responder.
Hi, do you know whether your firmware would also run on the Duet Maestro?
I'm planning to port it to Duet Ethernet and Duet Maestro for now, actually I've already ordered a Maestro. I think that support for the wireless variant is possible would would need a bit more effort.