Network connection problems
I presume epc1 is the program counter. Can you use the map file from your build to work out what function it is in? Also those 4020xxxx addresses on the stack look as though they may be program addresses, so again it would be useful to know what functions they are in.
@lolorc: Thanks for the investigation of the issue.
To me the whole wifi thing seems odd.
I wonder why so few people have problems if it is a software bug. -
@lolorc: Thanks for the investigation of the issue.
To me the whole wifi thing seems odd.
I wonder why so few people have problems if it is a software bug.I presume there is something about your network that is triggering the bug. Am I right in thinking that you had the board working properly with a different network, or was that someone else?
This is so crazy.
It connected to the web control without crashing.
I didn't change anything.Last time I tried three different access points but the server crashed each time.
EDIT: 06.01.2017 once again it worked fine but I get ajax errors quite often.
I can't upload large gcode files (>1MB). The web control gets stuck during upload.
I can't upload large gcode files (>1MB). The web control gets stuck during upload.
Do you get a new network connection message sent to USB when this is happens, with Reset reason = exception again? Perhaps it is the same bug.
Do you get a new network connection message sent to USB when this is happens, with Reset reason = exception again? Perhaps it is the same bug.
Probably not the same bug. USB serial is quiet during timeout. No server exception. I can reconnect immediately afterwards.
Can't even upload a 0.5MB gcode file without the upload getting stuck.
However I can find a part of the uploaded file in the web control afterwards.- not a signal problem because signal strength =-40dBm
- not a browser problem
That often happens to me too. Smaller files almost always work, but larger files get stuck in the middle and I have to try several times before it uploads completely. For very large files, the probability of getting an error during upload seems to approach 1, and I just give up. I'm running my Duet on a separate network from my main Wi-Fi; otherwise it barely works at all. Networking seems to be Duet's weakest point
What do you mean by larger files? I also experience this with files <500KB. Retrying doesn't help, although every try leads to a different upload percentage.
Please can those of you with WiFi file upload issues do the following:
1. Confirm that you are running DuetWiFiServer version 1.03-ch and DuetWiFiFirmware version 1.16 or later.
2. Connect Pronterface or another host program via USB, send M552 S0 to turn networking off, then send M552 S1 to turn networking on again. When the network connection message comes through to Pronterface, report the RSS it displays.
1. Confirmed!
Firmware Version: 1.17b (2017-01-07)
WiFi Server Version: 1.03 (ch fork)
Web Interface Version: 1.142. RSS (received signal strength) after M552 S1
signal strength=-42dBm -
Apparently this is not a problem many people observe…
As the wifi server is not crashing what could cause the upload to stop?@thomasf: What's your signal strength? Do you have the problem since the beginning?
It happens intermittently for me. Most days, it works fine, but some days, it's horribly bad. I will grab the RSSI next time it happens.
It happens intermittently for me. Most days, it works fine, but some days, it's horribly bad. I will grab the RSSI next time it happens.
My best guess is that something else is generating interference on those bad days, e.g. leaky microwave oven or cordless telephone handset. Changing your router channel may help. It's also possible that your router and your neighbour's router are fighting over who gets which channel, if both of them auto switch between channels.
If I run the printer in the garage often the Microwave in the kitchen will knock out the printer and sometimes put it in a state where it's as if I never setup the WiFi at all, as in it turns into an access point with the DuetWiFi SSID being broadcast. This is a big security hole as now my neighbors could in theory connect.
Lol guys WPA is so secure!
PS No, I never drop a grudge.