Soft Limits / No-Travel Areas
Is there any way to define an area, say - X-10:20 Y190:210 - that the firmware will recognize as a range of points or area that it cannot travel to or through?
I have some longer leadscrews on my machine and it is possible for my z-axis probe to nick the top of the screws if I home X first and then home Y without first moving the carriage out of the way. Just trying to avoid having to cut my leadscrews!
RRF does not have that facility. But you could have the homey.g file move X 30mm to the right before homing Y. In case X is already near maximum and not homed, you could reduce the X motor current while doing this, maybe even set up a temporary stall detection X max endstop.
@dc42 Is there a possibility this could be added (maybe to RRF3)? Probably a pretty niche feature but it would be nice to have.
I could also foresee a parameter disabling the no travel area; maybe in the case of a stationary purge station or even have the area where tools are located in a "no travel" zone until a tool change is called, and located within one of the macros it allows traveling in that area.
A "no travel" area can only work after the axes have been homed. So would it even solve your homing issue?
@dc42 That is a good point, it would not solve the homing issue. Probably going to need to shorten the leadscrews after all.