Help needed… BigBox Dual with DuetWifi
and you don't need to do manual measure at a number of prob points either also the Mesh bed leveling will work out it's own number of probe points from the params you feed it think it is of the order of 170plus on a cartesian you just need to tell the firmware max and min for each axis and the spacing between the probe points.
But as both Tim and Tony have said the system needs to know at what hight the IR Board triggers at when the nozzle is just touching the bed!
I keep getting this: Error: Z probe already triggered at start of probing move
I'm thinking that the movements of the Z motors are not measured the same as the command.
How do I calibrate the movements of each of the X, Y and Z motors? Meaning, When I command +5 on the panel or Gcode, the motor actually moves 5mm.
I'm using the stock motors on this BigBox dual. -
The amount of Z movement is controlled by the Z parameter in the M92 command in config.g. This sets the steps per mm.
Another possible reason for probing starting too close to the bed is that your Z axis travel from the homing position is a little less than the 250mm you have specified. Set it in the M208 command.
My mm steps needed to be 1600. not 400 as was shown in the above config.g file.
I was able to do the mesh leveling macro from that PDF elmoret posted. Thanks
The trigger height was 1.38.
The graph that appears after I ran the macro, does show all red, but that's ok by me as long as the print is fine. I;m not even sure how to improve it. Instructions?
I did two test cubes for the xyz calibration.
They look good, however I can see the differences between the two based upon the slicer changes.
I use Repetier Host 2.0 and Slic3r. -
If the height map is all red then that just means that the homed height is not exactly the 250mm that you quoted in the M208 Z parameter. If you want to see what the height map looks like, position the head over the center of the bed and probe there using a single G30 command, before you run G29.