Duet3D System won't turn on now
Okay, it said Duet Web Control briefly before it brought up the raspberrypi screen above. Is this normal? if this is okay, is setting up the parameters to match my custom printer the next step?
I would like to make the motors move to ensure what they are doing before I install them on the printer frame.
That screen looks great. YES, it is time to load your configuration. This is on the "system" tab.
You can make motors move. Reminder: POWER OFF when plugging or unplugging motors!!
X, Y and Z won't move until the printer is homed. Enter "M564 H0" to allow movement. Enter it in the "send code" line at the top. Some releases of DWC have a bug that you must push the "Send" button twice. It won't hurt anything to send this command more than once.
Also, your extruder motor will not turn until the extruder is hot. Enter "M302 P1" to allow cold extrudes.
@Jim46 said in Duet3D System won't turn on now:
BTW, I have tried M115 many times but nothing worked.
Just to be clear, when you ran the wget .. | bash command and it ended with "FIRMWARENAME RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 .." that was the script running M115 after the flashing. All M115 does is to print out the version number of the currently running firmware, its not some magic bullet to fix any problem, just a diagnostic tool to confirm the board is running properly. (if you were unable to replicate that after it would suggest there is a problem with the usb cable, or possibly drivers on the computer - which is why I asked you to use the Pi that I know doesn't need any drivers)
Right now I'm not able to look at Duet Web Control 2. Not sure why.
Your're posting this right under a picture showing Duet Web Control is running with the Duet 3 powered only from USB. (Or indicating that there is a fuse blown preventing the board from seeing Vin)
There is clearly still a learning curve to get the board configured and running with your printer, but at least the hardware seems to be functioning.
Have you been to https://configtool.reprapfirmware.org/General to generate a starting point for your configuration?
Thank you Bearer, Danal, Droftarts, NexxCat et al for helping me get to this point. Was there one recent thing made the difference? Yes, I expect a steep learning curve on the set up since this a custom FDM style machine. I'll be going to the RepRap in a few minutes. Cheers!
Its been interesting and I'm glad you're making progress! Best advice would be to loose your preconceptions as to what is causing the problems and listen to the suggestions offered even if it might not seem to make sense.
If something is unclear, ask for clarification. There isn't much this forum can't solve given a little elbow grease and patience.
Greetings Gentlemen, hope you and yours are all well and happy.
From where we left off, I've gone to the reprap link above and am presented a blank screen. Is there something I need to delete or add to the URL?
Also, what is a simple way, if possible, to test the stepper motors now connected to the Duet3D? The Meanwell 24v PS is now connected to the Duet. -
@Jim46 if you mean the config tool, the link is working for me. Should work in any browser.
Thanks Ian, just tried it on Chrome and it opened up! I'll try to follow the
Jim -
If you have VIN connected as well, can you unplug the USB and see if the LED goes out. Perhaps it's indicating 5v power via USB, but that's speculation on my part.
Hello All,
hope you are well!
I'm trying to setup the config-reprap. My NEMA 23 high torque stepper motors are 1.8 degree +/-5%. This is a belt drive system using 2 motors on the X-axis (front to back motion carrying 2 Z beams), 1 motor on Y axis (left to right motion for the extrude head carrying load), and 2 motors on the Z-axis (up and down motion for the Y beam). The pulley is a 20 tooth GT3 (GT2-3M), Pitch 3 mm. The belt is GT3 (GT2 - 3M) with Pitch 3mm.
I believe this means one tooth goes by each 3mm.
Then 16 microsteps/whole step x 200 step/revolution + 3200 microsteps/revolution of motor.
then 20 teeth x 3mm/tooth = 60 mm travel/motor revolution.
and 3200 microsteps/60 mm per microstep = 53.3333 microsteps/mm of travel.
I think I have the motors input ok. Is that true? I notice the Max. Speed Change (mm/s) is different for the Z -axis. Why and why aren't they equal? This is my first time doing this. Thanks again,PS Phaedrux thanks for your comment on the LED light question. I'll try it. Is it a warning light?
@Jim46 said in Duet3D System won't turn on now:
This is a belt drive system using 2 motors on the X-axis (front to back motion carrying 2 Z beams), 1 motor on Y axis (left to right motion for the extrude head carrying load),
Traditionally the X axis would be considered the left/right motion and the Y axis would be front/back. That way when looking at the "front" of the printer you have a right hand coordinate system that matches what the slicers use. This ensures prints don't come out mirrored. Here are some photos that illustrate that.
@Jim46 said in Duet3D System won't turn on now:
Then 16 microsteps/whole step x 200 step/revolution + 3200 microsteps/revolution of motor.
then 20 teeth x 3mm/tooth = 60 mm travel/motor revolution.
and 3200 microsteps/60 mm per microstep = 53.3333 microsteps/mm of travel.Here is the formula for a belted axis.
xy_steps_per_mm = (motor_steps_per_rev ∗ driver_microstep) / (belt_pitch ∗ pulley_number_of_teeth)
And it matches the 53.3 repeating steps per mm you've found.
It's far more common to use 2mm pitch belt so that you end up with a nice round steps per mm value. In your case you can use more than just 2 decimal places in config.g when setting the steps per mm value in M92 to gain some more precision. Changing out the belts and pulleys for 2mm may or may not be worth it to you at this point.
@Jim46 said in Duet3D System won't turn on now:
I think I have the motors input ok. Is that true?
See my comment about X and Y above and consider changing your assignments.
@Jim46 said in Duet3D System won't turn on now:
I notice the Max. Speed Change (mm/s) is different for the Z -axis. Why and why aren't they equal?
The Z axis is typically a much slower axis since it's either lifting/lowering a heavy bed, or is raising/lowering the X and/or Y axis. It also only has to move a very short amount during layer changes. The Z jerk is set very conservatively in the configurator to prevent any unintentional damage during commissioning. It will be up to you to do some testing to find out what your acceptable settings are.
At this point I might suggest creating a new thread with any further commissiong questions since the purpose for this one has now been resolved and is nearly 100 posts long. You'll get more eyeballs with a new post and new title.
@Jim46 The flashing light is the DIAG light. It flashes to show the firmware is running. It's perfectly normal. If you remember back to when your Duet wasn't working, this was the LED that was only very dimly lit, indicating the firmware had been deleted!
53.333 steps per mm sounds correct for the belts. But does your Z run on belts too? Most Z axis run on leadscrews, and the steps per mm will be different. If it does run on the same belts, then yes, that should be the same as X and Y. The config tool usually assumes the Z will run on leadscrews, so sets the motor settings for this. You can change them to the same as X and Y if you're running a belt Z axis.
If you are running leadscrews, but you don't know what they are or how many steps per mm to set them to, post a picture of the leadscrew with a ruler next to it, and try and measure the diameter. Also take a picture of the opn end of the leadscrew (ie not the one connected to the motor), as this will show how many 'starts' it has.
Hi Ian,
It was explained to me that my machine was too big for lead screws due to whip lash, so the whole machine is belt driven.
I'm going to open a new thread on commissioning a new custom machine.
Jim -
After updating from 3.0-RC2 to 3.01-RC8, "dcs not available", same error.
(uploaded Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin on Webmenu / System).Repaired with:
wget -q https://pkg.duet3d.com/duet3d.gpg
wget -q https://pkg.duet3d.com/duet3d-unstable.list
sudo mv duet3d.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
sudo mv duet3d-unstable.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duet3d-unstable.list
sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/duet3d.gpg
sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duet3d-unstable.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install with --reinstall duetsoftwareframeworkTested with:
apt list 2>/dev/null | grep duet | awk -F'[/ ]' '{print $1" "$3 }'Output:
duetcontrolserver 2.0.0
duetruntime 2.0.0
duetsd 1.0.6
duetsoftwareframework 2.0.0
duettools 2.0.0
duetwebcontrol 2.1.3
duetwebserver 2.0.0Thanks to everyone in this forum, solved it through you.
@Razurel said in Duet3D System won't turn on now:
Thanks to everyone in this forum, solved it through you.
Please clarify: is this problem now solved? If so, please use the Topic Tools button to select "Ask as question", then again to select "Mark as solved".
(That wasn't the original poster)
@bearer I have tried to recover a DUET3 6HC with the help of your script, but it fails half way through the process. It correctly detects and identifies the board and connects to it, however then after a while I get a similar
SAM-BA operation failed
error as you mentioned earlier.When trying on a windows machine with bossa I am able to read an image to a file as well as verify an image, but when I try to write an image it does not progress.
Any Idea what could be wrong?
@too You may need to use the erase jumper a few times to make it writable. I'm not sure why, but it can take a few attempts.