M30 --ignore-file-not-found
Not important feature, but nice to have.
Way to tell M30 to ignore and not report error if file is not found.Why?
I do something like:curl.exe -G --data-urlencode "gcode=M30\"%filename%%extension%\"" http://ender5.local.lan/rr_gcode curl.exe --data-binary "@%if%" "http://ender5.local.lan/rr_upload?name=gcodes/%filename%%extension%"
so delete a file, upload a file, and if a file is now (do not exist on the duet) M30 returns the error that lingers forever on the web till I manually close it. Not a big issue but a nuisance
Unfortunately the M30 command was specified (before I got involved with 3D printing) as taking a filename argument with no parameter letter to introduce it. So there is no possibility of adding a parameter to it to specify whether or not it is an error if the file doesn't exist. We would need to introduce another M-code, possibly M30.1.
yeah weird that it's not M30 P"filename"
M31.1 would work too -
@dc42 one other thing .. I don't see why is M30 "nonexistingfile" ERROR and not WARNING ? The syntax is ok, the "file not found" should IMO be warning and not error.
Good point. I'll change it to Warning in release 3.2.
btw as you are using curl to send the command, instead of sending a M30 command you could instead send:
@dc42 good point, still looking at those hooks ..
changed S3D postprocessing script to
@echo off for %%a in (%1) do ( set filepath=%%~dpa set filename=%%~na set extension=%%~xa ) set if=%filepath%%filename%%extension% G:\bin\curl-7.50.3-win64-mingw\bin\curl.exe "http://ender5.local.lan/rr_delete?name=gcodes/%filename%%extension%" G:\bin\curl-7.50.3-win64-mingw\bin\curl.exe --data-binary "@%if%" "http://ender5.local.lan/rr_upload?name=gcodes/%filename%%extension%"