Duet2wifi wont start up
Hello @dc42
I have one problem i run today my printer and when i turn off printer fuse for 1A blow up.
and the i can't turn on printer back on. Led turn on are only 3.3V 5V and VIN there is no Wifi LED on or Diag.What could be wrong with circuit?
Please Help
@matej1006 said in Duet2wifi wont start up:
fuse for 1A blow up.
this is for the fans, what is connected to the fan outputs?
Led turn on are only 3.3V 5V and VIN there is no Wifi LED on or Diag.
not necessarily a problem.
see https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/What_to_do_if_your_Duet_won't_respond for troubleshooting. no need to fix the 1a fuse to diagnose the rest really
to fan output i have connect only Pwm out put for noctua fans and water pump and small solenoid valve.
nothing more.matej
when i took my SD card out andput it in my PC i got info SD card must format before use
@matej1006 Two possibilities:
If this is an SD card that came with a new Duet 3, that message is correct and can be ignored. Those cards are formatted for use in a Raspberry Pi, and contain partitions that Windows does not understand; it therefore offers to format them.
If that card is NOT from the packaging of a new Duet3, and/or has never been in a Raspberry Pi, then there could be a problem.
@matej1006 said in Duet2wifi wont start up:
water pump and small solenoid valve.
the fan outputs should have diodes if its a newer board; which revision is it? inductive load does seem like the more likely culprit if nothing else changed.
@matej1006 said in Duet2wifi wont start up:
when i took my SD card out andput it in my PC i got info SD card must format before use
i'd follow the guide i posted and use the usb cable to see if the board works, then restore the sd card if needed.
i solve problem i just format sd card and copy back up files back on to SD card and it work's
@matej1006 said in Duet2wifi wont start up:
i solve problem
The SD card will not affect the 1A fuse, so there is probably more to it.
Which board revision is do you have?
i have that version of board Duet 2 Wifi Electronic Controller Card V1.04