Homing Corexy to Z max using a switch SOLVED (and SOLVED PROPERLY)
Hi what do I need to to configure to home a corexy at Z max, i..e using a microswitch at the bottom of the printer?
I can get it to home to the switch but it thinks that is z=0 when it needs to be z=max.
Any suggestions gratefully received.
As is often the case you get fed up post for help, then figure it out.
Heres my homez file which now works
G1 Z240 F1000 S1
G92 Z170
G1 Z-4 F600
G1 Z10 S1
G92 Z170 -
Change Z1 to Z2 in your M574 command, and use Z170 in your M208 command. Then you won't need the G92 commands in your homez,g file.