Permanent IP
How can I make permanent IP with firmware 1.18?
And where / how should it be written?
Which Duet do you have?
Duet 0.8.5 and Duet Ethernet: specify the IP address in the M552 command.
Duet WiFi: static IP address is not supported in 1.18, but supported in 1.19beta. See the important notes at if you are thinking of trying the beta.
can it be used
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.18.1 (2017-04-09)
WiFi Server Version: 1.03 (ch fork)
Web Interface Version: 1.15a -
No, 1.19 is the earliest DuetWiFiFirmware that supports static IP. However, most routers will let you assign a static IP address to a device.
You may be able to configure your DHCP server to always hand out the same IP address to your printer.
I only use true static IP addresses when the device doesn't support DHCP.
How can I make permanent IP with firmware 1.18?
And where / how should it be written?
As others have written, your best option is to configure your router to always give the same IP address to your printer via DHCP. The router vendors have different names for this. Sometimes referred to as DHCP Reservation, sometimes referred to as Manually Assigned DHCP address.