Idle Current vs Standstill Current
I'm looking to set both the run current and the hold current on my stepper motor. However I'm not sure how the idle current and standstill current relate to the hold current when looking at the documentation. From what I got, idle current is for current reduction when the stepper motor is not moving after some amount of time and standstill current relates to slower movements and potentially hold currents. Is standstill current what I'm looking for? Also, is there any major differences/advantages between using M906 vs M913 in current reduction/gain for movement?
There's not much else to it. M906 sets the operating current, and the idle hold reduced current. M913 will modify the M906 value as a percentage, useful for homing. -
What about M917 for standstill current compared to those commands?
M917 takes advantage of features of the drivers on the Maestro and Duet 3 board to allow current reduction for slower moves or briefly pausing, but not yet idle.