Duet ethernet module to convert Duetwifi to non wifi version
While the Duet board is a great board, the wifi module leaves a lot to be desired. Like a stable, reliable connection to my network. Some days it works, but most it doesn't.
I keep hearing rumors that the ethernet module is going to be released to be sold seperately. Please make that very soon.
If you are having trouble with your Duet WiFi, you may want to try out the latest RRF 1.19 betas. In this case you need to follow this guide: https://duet3d.com/wiki/DuetWiFiFirmware_1.19beta Also it may help to upgrade the firmware of your WiFi router if there is a newer version available.
I am currently upgraded to the latest beta on everything. Still will not connect. It did the first day I upgraded, and then it quit.
what rumors?
meaning you could add the ethernet module or replace the wifi with an ethernet module?
There isn't wiki page on getting a good WiFi connection at https://duet3d.com/wiki/WiFi_disconnections_and_AJAX_timeout_errors.