Whoops! Short to ground, now Duet WiFi won't boot.
Well, at least there is a bit of good news. My IR height sensor appears to still be functional. By no means an exhaustive test, but just plugged it into 5V power. LED flashes 4 times to indicate an error, but that's because the output is left floating. Bringing the sensor towards the table, the LED comes on at about the correct height, so the sensor itself seems to be functioning correctly. That saves me some cash if I don't need to replace it.
Wow. It's probably been almost 2 years since my old printer has done anything, but I think I'll have it working as soon as my Amazon order gets here today.
The other order will be tomorrow. A new Duet 2 Wifi with external antenna. I wasn't having reception problems before, so probably not necessary, but it''s what was in stock.
My spare board is gone. So is the Pi that I had programmed to manage many of the PanelDue functions, so I caved and bought the PanelDue controller and a 5" touchscreen. No idea how I'm going to mount it right now, but I'll think of something.