"Bad reply format version." Not sure how to proceed.
just to make sure that its not a problem with the remembered networks
M588 S"*"and do
M552 S0
M587 S"your ssid" P"your password"
M552 S1
again.also does your network or password contain any special characters?
M588 gives:
>>> M588 S"*" SENDING:M588 S"*" M588: Failed to reset the WiFi module to factory settings Error retrieving WiFi status message: bad reply format version [ERROR] Error retrieving WiFi status message: bad reply format version WiFi module is idle WiFi reported error: no known networks found Network name contains a hyphen and underscore.
can you temporarily make your wifi network unencrypted and try again?
I don't think I'll be able to do that, at least for a little bit. There are some people on the network.
I'm not sure why the wifi module won't reset. That command has worked before. When I connect to pronterface and get
"ok T0:26.7 /0.0 B:26.7 /0.0"
every now and then before jumping back to
"WiFi reported error: no known networks found
WiFi module is idle"does this indicate a hardware problem?
I'm not sure if it's related but this version of the board has the external antenna. Also if it's of any help, when I first configured the board for RepRapFirmware 3, I couldn't get the DIAG pin to turn off. Not sure if it's relevant. -
@itslikeboo said in "Bad reply format version." Not sure how to proceed.:
"ok T0:26.7 /0.0 B:26.7 /0.0"
that is just temperature status.
there is a problem with the wifi has problems connecting to modern routers
https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/18423/the-problem-of-connecting-duetwifi-to-modern-routers/21?_=1599414409200 -
Interesting. Well that would suck. I'll try to look into it. Maybe late tonight I'll mess with the network. But wouldn't an M588 S"*" command still work? I've never even connected to the network once.
M588: Failed to reset the WiFi module to factory settings
it sometimes helps to reset the wifi module with
M552 S-1 M552 S0
and beforeM557
@bearer Ok, thanks, I'll give it a try
@bearer Awesome, well that seemed to do something.
>>> M552 S-1 SENDING:M552 S-1 WiFi module stopped ok T0:25.1 /0.0 B:25.8 /0.0 >>> M552 S0 SENDING:M552 S0 WiFi module started ok T0:25.1 /0.0 B:25.8 /0.0 >>> M588 S"*" SENDING:M588 S"*" ok T0:25.0 /0.0 B:25.8 /0.0 >>> M587 S"ssid" P"password" SENDING:M587 S"ssid" P"password" ok T0:25.0 /0.0 B:25.8 /0.0 I've been here for so long, I'm not sure what to do now.
M552 S1
should turn on wifi and you should be good?(
M552 S1
is all you need in config.g as well) -
>>> M552 S1 SENDING:M552 S1 WiFi reported error: no known networks found WiFi module is idle WiFi reported error: no known networks found WiFi module is idle Shoot me
While i go get the 6.5x55mm rounds from the safe try M557 one more time with the M552 S-1 M552 S0 before it, and give it a few seconds between each command.
>>> M552 S-1 SENDING:M552 S-1 WiFi module stopped ok T0:24.7 /0.0 B:25.5 /0.0 ok T0:24.7 /0.0 B:25.5 /0.0 ok T0:24.7 /0.0 B:25.5 /0.0 >>> M552 S0 SENDING:M552 S0 WiFi module started ok T0:24.7 /0.0 B:25.5 /0.0 ok T0:24.7 /0.0 B:25.5 /0.0 ok T0:24.7 /0.0 B:25.5 /0.0 >>> M587 S"ssid" P"password" SENDING:M587 S"ssid" P"password" ok T0:24.6 /0.0 B:25.5 /0.0 ok T0:24.6 /0.0 B:25.5 /0.0 ok T0:24.6 /0.0 B:25.5 /0.0 >>> M552 S1 SENDING:M552 S1 WiFi reported error: no known networks found WiFi module is idle WiFi reported error: no known networks found WiFi module is idle it was worth a try.
Not sure what to do now
Not sure what to do now
duck .. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
which terminal are you using and are you typing or pasting commands?
@bearer It's all pronterface. I'm just reusing from the command history with the up key.
@itslikeboo said in "Bad reply format version." Not sure how to proceed.:
oh, is your SSID and passphrase all UPPER CASE or are you making sure to work around that as described below?
For example, M587 S"ABC" P"P'A'S'SW'O'R'D" would specify that the password is "PassWord".
Everyone should have putty installed, and it also works as a serial terminal without silliness like the capitalization so that might be worth at try.
Also tell us if this is relevant to your issue
The use of special characters in the SSID cannot be guaranteed to work. In general it's best to avoid most special characters. Spaces, periods, dashes, underscores, and other punctuation is likely ok, but special characters on the number keys likely are not safe. (@#$%^&*). If you are having troubles adding your SSID, try a simplified version with only letters and numbers.
if still troublesome; duck and/or i'll take aim..
@itslikeboo can you send M587 on its own, to show that a network SSID has been saved?
Pronterface is ok in a pinch but the capitalization thing makes it problematic for wifi.
Another way around it is to put the add network name commands into a macro file and then execute that either via the paneldue or M98 on the terminal.
@bearer said in "Bad reply format version." Not sure how to proceed.:
@itslikeboo said in "Bad reply format version." Not sure how to proceed.:
oh, is your SSID and passphrase all UPPER CASE or are you making sure to work around that as described below?
For example, M587 S"ABC" P"P'A'S'SW'O'R'D" would specify that the password is "PassWord".
Everyone should have putty installed, and it also works as a serial terminal without silliness like the capitalization so that might be worth at try.
Also tell us if this is relevant to your issue
The use of special characters in the SSID cannot be guaranteed to work. In general it's best to avoid most special characters. Spaces, periods, dashes, underscores, and other punctuation is likely ok, but special characters on the number keys likely are not safe. (@#$%^&*). If you are having troubles adding your SSID, try a simplified version with only letters and numbers.
if still troublesome; duck and/or i'll take aim..
That's some quality documentation sleuthing. I wouldn't have seen it! Unfortunately, the only special characters in the SSID are the hyphen and underscore. And no caps in the password. It'll be a pain to change the SSID where I am but I may need to try it.
@droftarts Get this. I sent it a bunch of times. Got through once.
>>> M587 SENDING:M587 M587: Failed to retrieve network list >>> M587 SENDING:M587 M587: Failed to retrieve network list Error retrieving WiFi status message: bad reply format version [ERROR] Error retrieving WiFi status message: bad reply format version WiFi module is idle >>> M587 SENDING:M587 M587: Failed to retrieve network list >>> M587 SENDING:M587 M587: Failed to retrieve network list >>> M587 SENDING:M587 Remembered networks: MYWIFI IP= GW= NM=