Maestro 2 questions
Well it depends how much you want to check. If you follow that guide it goes through a lot of initial setup checks like connecting over USB etc.
If you connect via USB you can see if it responds to M115 to report it's firmware version.
Okay, so I was trying to follow the steps for getting the web access to properly work by just typing in the web address that was listed. But it wouldn't show up unless I typed in the actual IP Address that was assigned by the router. But after setting the IP to in the settings of the WebAccess, it now shows as ethernet disabled. That's after trying a M552 in YAT. How can I re-enable the Ethernet and get the ip back to something where I can see the unit on the network? Am I able to edit a file on the SD directly?
If you follow from here I think you'll get what you need.
If you have a config package from the configurator and prepare the SD card as described in there the Maestro will be set to DHCP and should get an IP address at startup.
The guide then goes through verifying the firmware and updating if needed and connecting to the web interface.
M552 S1 should enable the network. The default is DHCP so it should grab an address. M552 by itself should echo back the received IP.
My brain isn't understanding how Github works. I have version 2.02Firmware installed on this Maestro 2. After reading over some of the articles you have published, it mentions that we should upgrade to 3.0 first and then up to the newest live version. Does anyone have a link to the 3.0 release page so I can download that first, then update to 3.1.1?
@Veti Thank you. I have it up to 3.1.1 now. Now to figure out if I want to print an adapter plate for the Maestro to fit in my Ender 3 Pro or print a whole new box for the 7" display and Maestro.