Duet WiFi with 4 parallel y motors
I’m building a one of a kind printer from scratch that uses 4 motors on the y axis. Im using a duet WiFi to control it. But if I wanted to run all the motors in parallel what is the best way to do it without losing power. Would I use the expansion board pins and external drivers? And if so does anyone know how to wire that?
how many stepper motors do you have in total?
what is the current of the motors? -
@Veti ![alt text]!
These are the motors and I am running 7 of them on the whole machine -
@Veti Just uploaded a new one,
sorry -
since the motors are 0.33 A, you could wire them in parallel.
0,33A * 4 * 0.75 = 1A
the duet driver can handle that.