[Firmware 3.2beta3] Can't resume after a filament-error0.g
@dc42 Yes I'm running a duet2 wifi with regular rrf standalone (never really fond how sbc works on duet 2 )
Are you turning any axis motors off while the print is paused? Resume.g won't be called if any axes are flagged as not homed.
@dc42 No i don't turn any axis off, i just move the extruder + some meta code (exactly what i've put in my first post), it's weird that it's resuming directly after the purge is ending (i have a dialog to validate normally before i do anything else but it skip that) and it don't call resume.g
Hi @dc42, i've just installed 3.3.1Beta (it goes a lot better when you are doing it right ) and tested a thing, i've put an echo command at the end of my file, and it does not display it at all, even in the console, do you think it can be related to too much M291 or a certain type that made it crash ?