Duet2 Wifi connection dropping
Just a Question,
i have noticed that for example i start a print via web console , print starts all good.
But at no point i have any information about the print on my Panel!
No temperatures etc.
But Panel is working, i can stop the print from Panel and homing.
I do not know if this also caused by my problem. -
@uneumann36 what firmware is on the paneldue? Check on the setup page.
Having multiple tabs or devices open on dwc certainly can cause problems.
The Firmware is 3.2.0
@uneumann36 said in Duet2 Wifi connection dropping:
The Firmware is 3.2.0
Then I suggest you either upgrade RRF or downgrade the firmware running on the PanelDue. See the note from the PanelDueFirmware release:
This release is compatible with RepRapFirmware 3.2-beta1 or later. It will partially work with RepRapFirmware 3.1.1 but not with any older version.
Different devices may use DWC at the same time but it's generally a bad idea to keep two DWC instances open on the same machine.
Thank you.
So as i told in the beginning, i am not a Software expert!
And in the moment i donĀ“t know what you mean !
I have to downgrade what? -
Since this is a new build it's probably a good idea to upgrade your duet firmware to RRF3 to start with.
As for the PanelDue it might be best to run 1.24 for now.
That way everything will work nicely together and you'll be ready to update to 3.2 when it becomes final.
Did you update the PanelDue yourself already?
Yes i update it myself!
But it takes a whole Day! Smile
Before i find out how. -
Here's a link to the right release: https://github.com/Duet3D/PanelDueFirmware/releases/tag/1.24
Before we try updating the PanelDue with 1.24 can you try disconnecting the PanelDue entirely and having only a single tab open to the DWC in chrome and seeing if the connection issue is resolved?
So you mean i should try to update my Duet2 To Version 3 ?
And Panel to 1.24 ? -
ok, i will do it
But i let only this tab open ! Ok? -
Let's just start with PanelDue to 1.24 and leave the Duet at 2.05.1 as it is.
I want to make sure your connection issue is resolved first, so you can just disconnect the PanelDue entirely for now.
Panel is disconnected. -
Is this the right one?
PanelDue-5.0i-7.0i.bin -
Hey guys!
I think i am the Master ! Lol !
Because i have done to bring 1.24. on the Panel !
Wow. -
Panel is working with 1.2.4 and i also get information about the printer on the Panel
Now i will start a print, and see if wifi connection is stable.
Hey Guys
So i will report that my printer is working very well now!
It seem my problems caused on a wrong Software on the Panel.A very big Thank you to all of you for your help!