Octoprint with Duet 3 6HC
While I know their will be objections to such a combination I work with Palette 2 for quite a few projects and need an Octoprint layer for some prints.
My initial attempt was to use the SBC cable and power it from the board while plugging the USB cable between the board and the Pi. This worked initially and did all my homing sequence steps but just sat and timed out when the print actually started. I then tried powering the pi from an independent power source but any need to power down the printer led to my BLtouch having issues as the Pi would continue to power the board and put it into a failure state.
I swear I had this working with Duet 2 on more than one printer and there was nothing special about the setup however I am a bit stumped as to what I need to change in order for the combination to work.
I'm currently thinking:
-change timeouts and handshake values on Octoprint
-change something with my homing macros etcOddly I was seeing some temperature faults when running with Octoprint which dont exist with DWC.
Appreciate any input on the matter before I dig too deep as I know a few others have this already working.
I haven't used octoprint with Duet and Pallette for a long time, but when I did I would basically get the printer ready to print (temp, homing, etc) all with the DWC and then just start the print from octoprint without any homing or heating commands and it would happily print. (and then usually fail for other reasons.)
Interesting, thanks for sharing your experience Phaedrux, I did see some of your comments when trying to search for this answer.
I just feel like there is something im missing if the Duet wiki states this:
The Duet control board supports printing your gcode files over a USB connection streamed by a gcode sender software like those mentioned in the title. However, there are limitations, including, but not limited to:
-Print statistics, such as remaining time estimation, current layer etc, not showing.
-Pause print will have to be handled by the GCode sender, and will take longer because all queued moves will have to complete before the pause takes place.
-Filament sensors will not function.
-Resume after power fail will not function.
-Print speed may be limited because many GCode senders can't supply data fast enough over USB, so print time may be extended.It is strongly recommended that you use the Duet Web Control for machine control and the internal SD card for gcode printing, however, if your application requires printing over USB, such as using the Mosaic Palette, it will work as expected, with the above limitations.
Yes that portion of the wiki was added a little while ago when someone else was asking about the Palette. And they did get it working at the time. However, I'm not sure what may have changed to the Palette or Octoprint software in the mean time.
I think user @MartinNYHC got it working recently though.