firmware retraction doubling
What's in M98 PPrint_Start.g?
If you send M98 Pprint_start.g on it's own do you get any errors?
If you send M567 during the print does it respond with the expected mixing ratio?Have you enclosed the macro name in quotes as OwenD suggested? ""
@Phaedrux said in firmware retraction doubling:
If you send M98 Pprint_start.g on it's own do you get any errors?
If you send M567 during the print does it respond with the expected mixing ratio?Have you enclosed the macro name in quotes as OwenD suggested? ""
I get no errors
Hmm sending M567 returns nothing... But it does mess up the mix ratio for the current print.. until the next tool changes.
sending M567 P0 (P1 P2 P3) returns the correct mix ration for each of the "tools"The print_start.g on it's own doesn't work unless I've preheated the bed and the nozzle... but once that's done, print_startg works fine.
Could it be because I'm redefining Tool 0 in my custom gCode forcing it to default the retraction settings??
Yep, that's it....
Recreating or adding a new tool sets the retraction to a default value of 2mm..
So I need to add an M207 S0.5 F1000 Z0.2 command to my custom gCode after creating all the tools...
Glad you figured it out.
It's a feature