old bltouch is not working with RRF?
M280 command do work.
m401 and 402 does nothing.
and thats it..can this be due to the fact i have antlabs v3 probe?
nevermind i removed al the wiring from the bltouch and i am going back to manual adjusting..
anyway thanks all -
@Lampie said in old bltouch is not working with RRF?:
m401 and 402 does nothing.
M401 calls sys/deployprobe.g and M402 calls sys/retractprobe.g. They are used in G30, too. So if they are not working, there's something wrong with these files. Are you sure you named them correctly, and put them in the sys folder?
You should be able to run them by sending
M98 P"0:/sys/deployprobe.g"
andM98 P"0:/sys/deployprobe.g"
. Using the full file path will check it is in the correct place.can this be due to the fact i have antlabs v3 probe?
No, it should work fine.