Where can I find may machine's config.json ?
Where can i find, or generate, the actual config.json for my machine?
I am reading this page, and understand that the formal OM documentation is in progress, but it would seem the best place for me to find the actual variables that are in use, would be in the actual config.json.
I don't have anything in the /sys folder. I remember having one generated when I used the RRF Config tool, but my printer has been significantly modified since I did the initial config.
@sinned6915 the object model and config.json are two totally different things
the object model holds all the information about your machine at that point in time.
the config.json is only used by the online config tool to get your original configuration back into it. its not kept up to date with any config.g changes.what are you trying to achieve?
I am trying to write some meta commands and i am not sure of the exact syntax. i was looking for a way to find the correct variable names.
reading the Object Model page, i associated the config.json that I remember getting generated when I used the RRF config tool.
when i put that file in the interpreter at https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer i was able to drill down to locate and correct a couple of the variables i was having trouble with.
since i have modded the priner since using the config tool, i was trying to find a way to dump the machine's current config to run that through the interpreter.
since the documentation is in still in process, i am imagining the best source of info would be the printer's actual info while we wait for formal docs.
EDIT: Is there any way to pull the machine's actual OM to a file so we can parse it?
EDIT2: use of M409 requires the knowledge of the keys and strings. Not knowing what those proper names are, you are stuck.
M122 will give some info, but not variable names. -
@sinned6915 why not use the object model plugin?
its located under settings, general, plugins and can be turned on from there -
@jay_s_uk i was not aware of such a plugin. I will look into it more-
I am on 3.1.1 and don't see it where you suggested. I suspect I need to update to get the plugin functionality. -
@sinned6915 yes, you do. 3.2.2 for it. The object model also changes somewhat between 3.1.1 and 3.2.2 so I suggest upgrading anyway