BtnCmd-DWC Plugin - Customise DWC - v01.03.08 01-03-25
I have looked there. But there is also no plugin! -
@cosmowave Did you see the plugin installation wizard?
I have not installed 3.3rc3 yet, so I will have to do some tests once upgraded.
No, there was no wizard.
There was only the upload to the system files. Then nothing happens... -
@cosmowave The plugin installation wizard is a standard DWC feature, and not part of my plugin. It should of at least popped up and gave you an error message at the very minimum. This suggests something else is going wrong.
I will test on 3.3rc3.
@cosmowave have just uninstalled my plugin - upgraded my Duet2 Ethernet from 3.3rc1 to rc3 (both firmware and DWC), rebooted, downloaded a new copy of from github releases, and installed it using upload system files.
The plugin installation wizard popped up and the plugin installed fine.
I think you have a local issue with your installation (you need to get the plugin installation wizard to popup when you upload the plugin).
I would suggest downloading fresh copies & re-installing:
AND download a new copy of the plugin before trying to install. -
I will try that in the evening...
Some days ago, i have tried to install the plugin with RRF3.3b3.
Was the same problem. So i think, something is wrong in my system or browser.
I will clear the browser cache and history before installing the "new" set. -
after clearing browsers cache and history, re-installing the hole package, everithing is working fine!
Thanks! -
@cosmowave Great!. Glad you got it working
One question again...
In the wiki is written:"Macro Name: (required) the file name of the macro in the default macro folder. Must end in .g eg Macroname.g"Is it only possible to call macros from the default folder? Or are subfolders from the macro folder also possible?
@cosmowave Sub Folders should be possible (at least it was when I originally set up the feature - not checked since
). I think it should just be
I will try it. -
@cosmowave You should get a friendly error/warning if it is unable to find the Macro - but it does work with sub-folders I just gave it a quick try.
@mintytrebor very nice!
And thanks for this super usefull Plugin!!If you have something like a wishlist: It will be nice to adjust the text size of object model buttons.
But that is not an important thing... -
New update to v0.8.19
Updated Plugin for DWC 3.3 and added capability to change the font size of Object Model Panels.
Release is available here
@mintytrebor cool. Thanks for that!
Sometimes when i create a custom panel, the "hover text" is behind the panel itself... but no big problem... -
Wow! This is amazing, I hate that I didn't find this earlier!
I have an issue though, buttons within custom panels don't seem to do anything, they don't even trigger the "what happened last" text in the bottom bar. Normal buttons not within a custom panel work fine. Any idea?
@diamondback I think this may have something to do with the layer the button is displaying on.
Can you bring the panel to the top layer in layout mode, and re-test.
If that does not work ... have you enabled the "Enable Selections in Settings" switch in global settings?
Edit: It might also be worth trying to bring the button to the top layer in custom panel create mode -
@mintytrebor Thanks for the quick answer!
Unfortunately none of that changed anything. I tried the setting you mentioned, no change (had it turned off before and didn't see any problem with radio buttons)
Bringing various elements to the top layer also had no effect, both in panel creation mode and the final tab mode.Note: The button visually reacts to my click (ie the animations happen), it just doesn't execute anything.
@diamondback Can you see what happens if you change the button to a Gcode and use
M117 "Hello world"
as the command.The reason for asking about the selects setting, is because there is an existing problem with some local installations which causes issues with layering/elevation in DWC. When you enable selects any drop down field renders the options behind the dialog window. I wanted to check if you had found another symptom of the same issue.
Edit: Also that macro path looks wrong to me see
Backup/restore button greyed out on 0.8.19. I've completely removed the plugin and reinstalled but the backup restore feature is un-selectable on one of my 2 installations... It worked one time to restore and then locked off.