duet3mini dht22
I have searched the forum for "dht duet3mini" and following this thread https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/21579/mini-5-and-dht21-sensor/18 with this board it seem it must be connected to the IO_x pins (https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet_3_Mini_5plus_Wiring#Section_Wiring_diagram)! Beside that it seems to better use 5V to have a stable signal (and of course shielded cable), I am asking myself how to get to the humidity information of the sensor, since it has only one dataline, is it something like this:
M308 S20 P"io1.out+io1.in" Y"dht22" A"Fila Temp [C]" ; Set DHT22 for filament temp ; & M308 S21 P"io1.out+io1.in" Y"dht22" A"Fila Humid [%]" ; Set DHT22 for filament humidity
@lbi That's actually in the very first post of the other thread and in the docs
M308 S21 P"S20.1" Y"dhthumidity" A"Chbr Hmdy [%]" ; Set DHT21 for chamber humidity
That should work for you.
@lbi don't use 5V unless you use a bidirectional level shifter between the Duet and the DHT22.
If the duet3mini does not have enough GPIO left for my project, will it be possible to attach a https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet_3_Expansion_Hardware_Overview#Section_GPIO_headers and will it be possible to also attach there general endstops or DHT´s?
Best regards
@lbi depending on what I/O you need, you can add either a SAMMYC21, a Tool Board, or a EXP3HC board.