Solved Unable to connect Duet 3 mini wifi to wifi
Hey , i just recieved my Duet Mini 5+ Wifi.
I went trough all the steps as shown here: the Wifi Part, where it leads to another side, the problems start.
So i added to my config.g a M587 S"MyNetwork" P"MyPassword", afterwards im doing a M552 S1 to enable it.
After plugin in the board, it has the problem that i cant connect and goes into the access point mode.
Trying to let it reconnect with M552 S0 and M552 S1 the Board dies pretty much.
I use pronterface to connect to the board. It spams "Wifi report error: network scan failed" into the console, and then pronterface crashes. Afterwards it says "WiFi module is idle". Im not sure what can cause that, maybe you guys have a idea. I also tried it with M111 but seems like nothing is posted. -
@staticred try this: Connect via USB, send M552 S-1 to turn WiFi off, then M552 S0 to turn it on, but in idle mode, then add the SSID with M587. Finally, enable WiFi with M552 S1. You can see saved SSID by sending M587 on its own.
I think Pronterface only sends uppercase letters, so if you have upper and lower case letters in your SSID or password, they will not be stored correctly. Better to use the software suggested in the guide to communicate with the Duet via USB.
Also, don’t forget to connect the external aerial!
@droftarts Ah yes thanks a lot man! It was i think the editor! A little bit of reading would have saved me so much time haha. Nevermind have a great day!