Duet Wifi setup - need help
Thanks to both of you for the help. I have been away for work but am home now.
I get intermittent heater faults (don't quite know what triggers them) and the M562 command does not clear the fault. I have to power down the control board and that usually fixes it but sometimes it takes a couple of tries.
I had adjusted the G31 Z parameter to 1.9, removed any Z-axis compensation in the slicer and was getting perfect first layer adhesion. Now, several days later, I am having issues with the first layer sticking. What I don't understand is how I can have variations in the Z height over time. I could be wrong, but it seemed this was happening before. Strange and likely some sort of user error.
Specific questions…
1. When editing the config.g file and doing a software reset as it prompts you to, is there a way to know when the process is complete? When I do this, I'm always wondering if it's done.
2. When you upload a g-code file using the web interface, is the file saved to the SD card on the Duet?
Lastly, I received my new Panel Due and HUGE 7" display from Tim at Filastruder.com! I was reading the instructions on how to set it up, etc. and got confused on the firmware update process. Do I need to do this or is it set up to work as is?
As always, grateful for the assistance!
1. When the firmware has restarted, the printer will show as not homed. So if it was homed before you saved config.g, the homed status will tell you. Alternatively, look in the Gcode Console page for the new Connection Established message.
2. Yes, in the /gcodes folder.
PanelDue controller boards are normally shipped with firmware for the 4.3 inch display. You will need to update the PanelDue firmware to drive the 7 inch display.
Thanks for the info, David. Should I try version 1.14 or the 1.15 beta?
Hmmm…frustrating! I tried to install the Bossa program and it won't install...I get an error message saying it can't install and to try again. I downloaded this file: bossa64-1.2.1.msi and assume it's the correct file? I am on Windows 10 and have not updated the firmware on the Duet Wifi yet. Not sure what to do at this point.
Use the 1.15beta firmware, it's only still in beta because the icons don't work well with the new optional dark theme.
I have heard before that Bossa won't install under Windows 10. You can use the command line version bossac.exe instead, it's in the Tools folder of my RepRapFirmware repository and needs no installation.
I've entered this at the command prompt:
bossac.exe –port=COM6 -e -w -v -b PanelDueFirmware.bin
I get an error message saying something like bossac is not recognized.Ports show Bossa Program Port (COM ) but the Duet Wifi is not shown now (it was earlier). Edit...Duet printer control electronics are shown on Com 4 and Com 5 and Serial G-code printer on Com 3. I have no idea why there are 2 for the Duet and what the serial Gcode 3D printer is???
I downloaded the bossac.exe file and when I run it, it just flashes a window for a split second and does nothing else.
Put both bossac.exe and the PanelDuetFirmware-xxx.bin file in the same folder, go to the command prompt, and CD to that folder. Then enter the bossac command line.
Go to the directory where bossac.exe and the firmware is using Windows Explorer.
Hold down SHIFT+Right click on an empty space in the folder window, and you will get an option to "open command window here." Select this. It will open a command prompt at the location and all you have to do is paste in the command you tried previously.
edit: oops david beat me to it. -
Did this and it says:
Erase flash
No such file or directory -
So you need to replace PanelDueFirmware.bin in the bossac command line with the name of the actual firmware file you downloaded, which I guess is PanelDue-7.0-1.15beta3.bin.
Ah, yes…that worked! Thanks, guys! Now onto seeing if I can get the rest of it done.
Okay, looks like it's operational but there is something wrong with my LCD. The screen flickers and I noticed a factory defect on the LCD's board…there's a component that was not properly soldered. I'm assuming this is the cause of the flickering.
When doing a reset after a config.g edit, I am not getting a reconnection message on the gcode page. It lists various things from time to time but I'm not seeing the reconnect. I do notice that the heaters will shut off after a reset (but the heaters do not always shut off). Is this normal? If the heaters shut off, does this indicate the reboot process is complete?
Is there a way to unload files using the Panel Due? I have been using the web interface to upload my gcode files and I hate removing the SD card so that was a really nice feature. I can't figure out how to do this using the Panel Due.
Whenever I edit the config.g file and do a software reset, I am not getting any message in the g-code log. Any idea why? Most of the time, the heaters will shut off and I assume the config.g edit was saved.