[?] Duet Wifi flickering lights
@phaedrux I did. I initially set it up via the wikis Getting Started & Wiring guides. Had everything going well, even the end-stops. The last part was the BLTouch, and Paneldue.
When I turned the printer back on after the installation the lights flickered then it shut down. I thought I blew a fuse so I unplugged the printer, checked the fuses, they seemed fine. I tried it again but unplugged the panel due & the bl touch. I got nothing.
I then removed everything and removed the board and tried to plug it in via USB and that's when I got the USB using too much power and lights constantly flickering. That didn't happen upon initial setup.
Here's a quick video of what it looks like.
With VIN connected, what LEDs light up if any?
Can you post some high quality close up well lit photos of the board in case we can spot a blown component?
That's the pic when I powered on the board.
@Phaedrux Here are the other high quality pics you wanted to see.
@gyrene2083 said in [?] Duet Wifi flickering lights:
That's the pic when I powered on
The blue LED makes it hard to see the others. Is any other lit?
@phaedrux No it was just the blue led.
Will have to see if DC42 has any ideas but I think it may be a lost cause.
@phaedrux I thought it was. I do appreciate you trying to help me.
How did you have the BLtouch/paneldue/leds wired up? Perhaps there was a short that might give a better idea of what's failed. If we know what's failed it's easier to determine if it's repairable, etc.
@phaedrux I believe the problem was with the BLtouch. I was following the guide, and misunderstood the way it the wiring. I couldn't see the picture well and didn't realize the red wire is ontop of the brown wire, and I wired it (I have a reality and their wiring color scheme is different) see below. and placed it on the top row as it seemed to me in the picture.
It could be the U3 regulator has failed and taken the wifi and/or sd card socket with it. Miswiring a bltouch should not be able to do that.
Please send an email to warranty@duet3d.com and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
@phaedrux Thank you so much for assisting me I have emailed the parties you mentioned and linked this forum post.
Just so I don't make this mistake again, the BLtouch should be That Yellow wire should be on pin 1, and the Green on pin 2, and lastly the Orange on pin 8. Does that sound correct to you? I surely would hate to make the same mistake again.
@gyrene2083 I'm not really sure what version of BLtouch you have or what the wire colors mean. You'd be best to find out a pinout that shows what wire is what and then we can say with more certainty which wire should go where.
@phaedrux Those colours are the Creality CR10s ProV2 one, and going by the diagram that was what I came up with.
Original Wiring
Left (Brown) Left Mid (Red) Middle (Yellow) Right Mid (Black) Right (White)CR10Pro V2 BlTouch Wiring (to connector)
Left (White) Left Mid (Black) Middle (Yellow) Right Mid (Blue) Right (Red)From connector to board Creality wiring
Left (Green) Left Mid (Yellow) Middle (Orange) Right Mid (Red) Right (Brown)Would that help?
So I took another look at the setup and here's what Creality did. From your website the colours for the Creality are correct, the colours that I listed above are a connector cable they used with a different colour scheme. Not sure why they didn't use the same colours all the way through.
I just had the exact same thing happen and found this post when looking for solutions; I had everything hooked up and working on a Duet 2 Ethernet w/ expansion board to run external drivers, then plugged a genuine BLTouch in according to the directions on the wiki and now it appears I have the same fried board that OP has. Everything I read indicated that even if something on the probe was backwards it shouldn't have smoked the board. I was confident it was correct to begin with and it was nowhere near any 24v pins. Very frustrating. The board is more than 6 months old but was just now being commissioned. Any remediation available and how to prevent this from happening again? Thanks in advance.
@strohm81 Please start a new thread so we can do some troubleshooting and evaluation. Include as much detail as you can please.
@phaedrux will do, thanks.