düet 2 wifi Firmware, interface
Does düet 2 wifi support Marlin Farmwire? ıf does not, Which does it support firmware?
When buy the control board. I want without step driver on control card. is it possible?
Furthermore, does control card support to edit to improve interface ?
have a nice day. -
@software The Duet3D Boards are designed for using with RepRap Firmware.
@cosmowave thank you. Can I improve the interface. can i modify at RepRap Firmware
@software It's all open source...
When you have the necessary skills, you can make your own version. -
Duet3d control boards run RepRapFirmware. https://github.com/Duet3D
The drivers are integrated with the board, but there are options for controlling external drivers as well.
It is both open hardware and open software so you can fork it and customize it as you wish in accordance with the license. https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/blob/dev/LICENCE