Firmware development and debugging setup help?
How do you setup for Debugging the firmware on a Duet3 6HC?
Using Eclipse I can build the Duet3_Debug target but did not find any clean way to get Eclipse to connect to a MPLAB ICD ICE.
Can a GDB connection be used?My intent is to find out why some commands can use global variables just fine and other commands can not.
Example: (First M557 is commented out is the one I would like to use)
; M557 X{(sensors.probes[0].offsets[0]+5)}:{(move.axes[0].max-sensors.probes[0].offsets[0]-5)} Y{(sensors.probes[0].offsets[1]+5)}:{(move.axes[1].max-sensors.probes[0].offsets[1]-5)} P5:5
M557 X5:295 Y5:295 P5:5I also noted that simple "M557 X{5}:{295} Y{5}:{295} P5:5" did not work either.
I was thinking to just lift the parser code out and run in a Linux processor with some BOOST test code but the thread of stuff to pull in became pretty big. I also saw that FreeRTOS has a port for running under Linux, that looked like fun, but we would need to stub the real time stuff. In this case I really dont care about sensors and motors so all that can just do nothing.
@mikegeppert The most efficient way to debug is to post PRECISELY the GCODE that you think is not working they way you think it should and wait for a moment until the firmware experts can assist you.
Post an example with the actual results and the results you think it should return and ask why there is a difference.
@mikegeppert I think you must be using the Duet in SBC mode. Expressions in array parameters are not yet supported in SBC mode, but support is coming in RRF 3.4beta2.
I only use hardware debugging aids to debug startup and bootloader issues, and then I use a Atmel ICE and Atmel Studio.