Webcam update interval
Can someone please explain exactly what the "Webcam update interval" setting is doing and what its purpose is? I've not found any documentation explaining it exactly and don't want to assume any longer. It defaults to 5000ms and the alt-text states "Value must be greater than or equal to 250". But for a video stream, I'd think you wouldn't want it to update?
At 5000ms, the stream regularly seems to lose monetarily connection, but it is not observable every 5s, just every few minutes.. I have compared the video feed within DWC against the camera feed and have never seen the direct camera feed hiccup, so I do believe it is something in DWC and likely related to our ignorance with this setting.
I looked in the javasrcipt once. DWC retrieves single images from the camera in this interval. But also the camera does not provide a complete stream at the standard address. Here also only single images are provided in a certain time interval. If these intervals overlap unfavorably during the retrieval, dropouts will occur. That's how I explained it to myself, but I could also be wrong.
If you want to see a video stream you can do this by opening the RTSP stream of the camera in a player. You can use the link address in DWC to open an external player directly. -
Interesting - at 5000ms, DWC is streaming the video quite smooth for it to be retrieving single images. We have DWC setup in a debug / build environment but obviously haven't examined this yet.
If the above is true, would a lower number or higher number render smoother video? It's surprising it just isn't passing the direct stream..
I have stopped dealing with it (current value 1000). For a rough monitoring, that's fine for me. I use the potplayer for direct streaming, then I even have the sound transmitted by .... -
After experimentation, we found that toggling "Do not append extra HTTP qualifier when reloading images" appears to correct the issue and from monitoring the Console in Chrome, the URL refresh associated with "Webcam update interval" is not present.
@chrishamm - can I ask what was the intent for the "Webcam update interval" is and is there a downside to not appending extra "HTTP qualifiers when reloading images"? Thanks
edit - just saw it hiccup once more where the screen briefly just showed a broken image and "(webcam image)" before reloading, so this did not fully resolve it.
@oozebot You could set the webcam update interval to 0 if you don't need it (I think). It may be necessary to change the HTTP request URL to prevent caching, that's why I added a new option to not append extra HTTP qualifiers. The latter might confuse cheap webcams though.