DuetWiFiFirmware minor release 1.15e
For M570, can you just clarify which parameters should be used for firmware versions between 1.15 and 1.15d. The wicki states using the S parameter for versions 1.14 and earlier, and for version 1.15e and later, use the H P and T parameters. I haven't got around to upgrading from 1.15b so is M570 S240 in my config.g valid or redundant?
Yes, it's exactly as the wiki says. M570 does nothing on firmware versions 1.15 thru 1.15d.
Hello. I just updated my Duet 0.8.5 a few times (via DWC) but it still shows Firmware Version: 1.15b (2016-08-25)
What can be wrong? -
1. Check that you have downloaded the correct file, and that is the file you are trying to flash.
2. I have seen the update process occasionally leave the old firmware file on the SD card, and then DWC fails to overwrite it when you upload the new one. Try moving the SD card to a PC, and if the sys/RepRapFirmware.bin file is present, delete it.
I downloaded this file https://github.com/dc42/RepRapFirmware/blob/dev/Release/Duet-0.6-0.8.5/RepRapFirmware-1.15e.bin
I tried upload and agree to flash.
I deleted RepRapFirmware.bin from /sys and then flashed again.
Finally I renamed RepRapFirmware-1.15e.bin it to /sys/RepRapFirmware.bin and then used M997.
It shows flashing but remains 1.15b no matter what.PS: I have https://github.com/dc42/DuetIAP/blob/master/Release/iap.bin in /sys
OK, I got it solved. I proved to have iap.bin from Chrishamm, it won't flash.
I'm glad you solved it.
If you have a PanelDue connected and running firmware 1.14 or later, it will show the progress of the flashing process. DWC can't display the progress because there is no Ethernet connection while flashing, so it just waits for a configurable length of time before trying to reconnect.
Tried 1.15e with the following M570 settings
M570 H0 P5 T15
I didn't have many issues with 1.15d but wanted to give myself more latitude.
With 1.15e and these settings I'm getting many more faults.
Also with 1.15d it was possible to clear the fault with M572 P1
and reset the heater with T0 and continue with the print.
But with 1.15e, after the fault, the web interface declares "100% completed" and there is no way to re-start the print - just throw it away.
So i am reverting to 1.15d until someone advises me what better M570 settings and how to re-start in 1.15e after a heater fault
has been cleared. -
It is actually M562 P1 that clears the fault. I would also suggest to investigate why you are having faults. If your heaters are tuned, there should be no faults in a normal use. In some specific cases you should why the faults are triggered and be able to control the behavior of the printer. M570 settings are described in Reprap Wiki. If 1.15d works well for you, there is probably no big reason to switch to 1.15e. I hope that helps.
Tried 1.15e with the following M570 settings
M570 H0 P5 T15
I didn't have many issues with 1.15d but wanted to give myself more latitude.
With 1.15e and these settings I'm getting many more faults.
Also with 1.15d it was possible to clear the fault with M572 P1
and reset the heater with T0 and continue with the print.
But with 1.15e, after the fault, the web interface declares "100% completed" and there is no way to re-start the print - just throw it away.
So i am reverting to 1.15d until someone advises me what better M570 settings and how to re-start in 1.15e after a heater fault
has been cleared.Is it bed or hot end heater faults that you were getting with 1.15e? The M570 H0 command you quoted controls the bed heater fault detection, not the hot end.
Sorry I meant M562 P1
But I did have M570 H0
Hot end faults -Thanks for spotting my mistake(s).
But will there be any way to re-start a print after a temperature fault in 1.15e and higher? -
Version 1.15e terminates the print when a heater fault is detected. I did this because several people comp!ained that the print carried on even though extrusion was impossible when the hot end heater has been turned off. Maybe I should add an option to pause the print instead.
How about a fault.g file? With built in defaults if fault.g doesn't exist. That way we can have full control.
Hello, I'm not sure if it's a firmware or DWC bug, so I report it here.
If a delta printer is not homed and G-code has no G28, error messages just don't stop and flood all over the screen until the print is cancelled.Also, I had a situation when a 16MB G-code for a 10hrs print was not uploaded (or saved) completely, but I did not know that and run the code. I discovered the problem when the print was 2/3 ready. Luckily I was near the printer and could make a new code for the top of the model and run it right after the printing stopped⦠So, is it possible to verify file size or checksum when uploading?
PS: I have DuetWiFi
im having problmes updating firmware
heres what is installed
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.15e (2016-10-02)
WiFi Server Version: 1.02
Web Interface Version: 1.13when i try to update the wifi server it say error could not rename file
now when i try to update any it all say error could not rename file error
im going to try and wipe the sd card and install from the download zip file
the reason i want to wipe out sd card is i have a lot of double files and want to clean it up
run defaults and again and re setup printer with setting -
No need to do that just follow the Backup procedure no3 from the Wiki the reason you are having probs is because DWC 1.13 is not compatable with FW 1.15e. (I fell into the same trap had an issue and tried to roll back leaving DWC at 1.13 and had the same issue) I believe you can copy the Firmware file after renaming it to the correct format to the /SYS folder on the SD card boot up the Duet WiFi and send M997 S0 from the console but I can't confirm this has I havent done it that way?
Edit for correct backup procedure number
looks like ive opened a hole can of worms now sd card image is it as simple as copy and past over the parts i need are do i need
Files needed on the sd card: https://duet3d.com/wiki/SD_card_folder_structure
thanks stephen
file system is as follows(d;)
sys-CoreXYall folder copyed off the SDimagefinal.zip from https://github.com/T3P3/Duet/blob/master/DuetWifiv1.0/SDimageFinal.zip
now i am still playing but not having any sucesess getting repetier to talk to the board -
Re-doing the SD card image is not going to help here you need to follow the guide for Emergency Backup procedure from the Wiki in order to get FW 1.16 onto the board
https://duet3d.com/wiki/Updating_main_firmware Try Backup Procedure no 1 first and if that doesn't work try no 3. (no 3 worked for me when I had the same issue last week)