InternalServerException in InstallPlugin:
I'd be interested to see if you run into the same issues if you tried starting with the latest DuetPi image.
@phaedrux said in InternalServerException in InstallPlugin::
I'd be interested to see if you run into the same issues if you tried starting with the latest DuetPi image.
that mean ready duetpi image ?
hmm, i have to install it because i use the raspberry only for testing and than the odroid. the test tell me that i have to modify the config.jason as soon as possible the odroid runs very fine. cool, fast and stable but updates are a problem and plugins doesnt work -
i talk the most time with me
but it is also for other user
now i got the install without errormessage and install the stable firmware is possible. plugin i dont try further until a new stable firmware will arrive.
aftersudo apt-get install duetsoftwareframework
i modifeyed the config.json to the correct gpio pins. than i deinstalled it again, reboot and installed it again and now....all fine also with installing the stable firmware. plugins i dont have tried because also with the raspberry and manuel installing like in the guide it was not possible (and all needed services was running also appamor) in standalone it tried it with the latest beta and all was fine