Driver install for USB
That is the correct port to use. What exactly is the problem?
I was able to get the printer to connect and now it doesn't I have error 5 any ideas
Do you know anyone in the Las Vegas Nevada area that is good with your duet electronics
Sounds like the port is being used by another program. Do you have Pronterface or Repetier or another program connected to that port?
If all else fails, reboot Windows.
ok here is what I did. I rebooted with the printer unhooked and no printer shows up under device manager then I plug in printer and the port shows up and the name is DuetWifi or Duet Ethernet 3d printer control electronics (com6) is this the right driver
printer still comes up with error 5
Which program is giving error 5? Or is it the printer giving error 5 when you send it a command?
I'm using Ponterface and it does it when I try to connect. When I first put in the new board it connect with no trouble, but then the issue was when I sent the M552 S1 command it couldn't find a local network and wifi was idle
I'm fairly sure that Error 5 in Pronterface means that some other program has attached to that serial port already.
I agree a 100% with you. I just uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it. But I get the same error code. Is there an earlier driver version I could try. I have no idea what version of firmware I have on the printer
It's not a problem with the driver, it's something else on your PC grabbing the port. This may help you work out what.
Looking thru all the ports it shows com 6 blank and that's the one its connected to. I just want to use the duetwifi not become a computer expert. Any way to move to a different port. Thank you
If you connect it to a different USB port on your computer, then the COM port number will change.
Thank you. Printer now online. Standby for the next problem. LOL
Ok next problem wifi reported no known networks found
When I installed my first board I sailed right thru all this and now its being a real pain in the butt, with this board any ideas. Thank you
Which bit are you stuck on?
Sending M552 S1 and this is the message I get wifi reported error no known networks found, wifi module is idle. With the first board I had no trouble with this at all
Have you loaded up your WiFi access point details with the M587 command as DC linked to above?
M587 S"your-network-ssid" P"your-network-password" remember this is case sensitive so will need to be put in using a text editor or dumb terminal such as yat or possibly even hyperterminal will do it or put the command into a macro but I suspet you will need to use a terminal program as you wont be able to load a macro unless you move the SD Card to the PC